

2018-11-26    16'42''

主播: TeacherGwen

9833 87

11.26 早读 Now I’m still homesick, but it is a narrow strait, separating me on this side and the mainland on the other. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. me on me on this birthday 2. mainland中main的发音可试着参考:妹—依—恩。不要发成“闷”。 strait ei 言之有物 1. homesick 拓展: carsick seasick trainsick 2. strait 和 channel 这两个名词均含“海峡”之意。 channel : 指比strait长而宽的海峡。 英吉利海峡:the English Channel strait : 指短而窄的海峡。 麦哲伦海峡:Strait of Magellan 除此之外, strait还有一个词义是:窘迫,困难。 channel还有一个词义是:频道。 The company's closure has left many small businessmen in desperate financial straits. 该公司的倒闭让很多小商人陷入了经济困境。 The kids are always watching the cartoon channel. 3. separating...伴随动作 现在分词可以做方式状语、伴随状语,表示行为方式、伴随情况或补充说明,是主语的另一个、较次要的动作,相当于一个由and引导的并列结构。 举例: She came into the house,and carried a lot of books. =She came into the house, carrying a lot of books. 她捧着许多书走进了房间。 I go home and hold the umbrella in one hand. =I go home, holding the umbrella in one hand. 我回家的时候用一只手拿着一把伞。 一定要记住:一句话里只能有一个主动词,次要的动作用-ing形式伴随主要动作。