12.18 早读 Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.
①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗截取自电影《 》
1. thousand
2. diligent 重音应该在第一个音节上
better than a B is A A比B更好
正常语序:A is better than B
One day with a great teacher is better than a thousand days of diligent study.
Her stomach trouble is much better than before.
拓展:not better than/no better than
not better than... 不比XX好
John is not better than Tom. John并不比Tom好。
no better than...与XX一样不...
John is no better than Tom. John和Tom一样不好。
*not better than与no better than 所表达的意思完全不同。
A is not better than B只是简单地进行程度上的比较,一般可以为“A不比B好(强)”。至于B本身是好(强)还是不好(差),这样的句子本身是反映不出来的。
A is no better than B与A is not better than B不同,它并不对A和B进行程度上的比较,而是用来着重表达A和B都很坏(差)这样一种口气的。