

2018-12-25    09'43''

主播: TeacherGwen

8916 84

12.25 早读 Even if it's cold now, there's one thing you should know. Rain will turn into snow. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗截取自电影《 》 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1.cold 舌侧音 2. snow 一个音节,不要拖出“斯”音。 言之有物 1. even if... 即使 -So you're saying you shave every day? -Yes. -Even if you know that you're not gonna see anyonoe that you know? 电影 实习生 2. there's one thing you should know. 有件事你得知道。 Oh, there's one thing you should know. Down here, the polarity is reversed. 地心历险记 3. XX turns into XX XX变成XX Hollywood discovered her and turned her into a star. 好莱坞发现了她,把她变成了明星。 We can turn this one into a guesthouse. 我们可以把这里变成家庭旅馆。 老友记 拓展表达: days turned into weeks/months turned into years etc 周复一周 年复一年 Weeks turned into months, and still there was no letter. 周复一周,仍然没有来信。