

2018-12-27    10'23''

主播: TeacherGwen

9009 80

12.27 早读 The way to deal with the world today is not to ignore it. If you do, you'll just get hurt. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 截图来自电影《 》 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. ignore /gn/ 2. ignore it /r/ 3. get hurt /h/音可击穿 言之有物 1. the way to XX is to... 做XX的方法是XX The only way to save the baby is to save Callie. 救这个孩子的唯一办法就是救Callie. 美剧 实习医生格蕾 *注意:the way to do XX 和 the way of doing XX的语感有差异 前者为“要做”,一种倾向,一种打算或将要做的意思,包含不确定性;后者是单纯的从属,较客观,表“XX的方法”。 What is the best way to clean this? 用什么办法能把这个弄干净? That's the way of doing business. He can only follow the old routine. 这是办事的老规矩。他只会照常规办事。 2. deal with the world 与世界打交道→面对世界 美剧 钱斯医生 deal with XX 处理XX/与XX打交道 I'll deal with this. 我来处理(这件事)。 电影 吐司 3. get hurt 受伤 You could get hurt! 你会受伤的! 电影 赛车总动员2 I don't want you to get hurt. Don't get hurt! 我不想你受伤。不要受伤!