

2018-12-31    10'00''

主播: TeacherGwen

9285 81

12.31 早读 Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, Edelweiss Bless my homeland forever ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 截图来自电影《 》 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: Blossom Edelweiss homeland mainland England 言之有物 1. Edelweiss noun. 雪绒花 2. blossom & bloom 作为名词意思差不多。花丛 bloom verb. 1.看上去很健康 Jane is positively blooming with health these days. 简这些日子以来身体确实健康起来 2.开花 The garden is blooming with spring flowers.园内春花盛开。 Our friendship is blooming.我们之间情长谊深. blossom verb. 1.(树)开花 2.(人或物)发展,成长 cherry bloom 樱花 blossom of snow 雪绒花丛 拓展表达:be in (full) blossom (尤指树木)正在开花 The apple trees are in blossom.苹果树正在开花. 拓展表达:blossom into sth/sb.长成或发展成(某事物/某人) Sally is blossoming into a beautiful girl. 萨丽正在长成一个美丽的女孩 3. bless XX verb. 祝福XX,保佑XX 拓展表达:别人打喷嚏时说 bless you 拓展表达: count your blessings. 数数自己的幸福 →感谢生活中的所有好运。知足吧!/(遇逆境)多往好处想 / 知足常乐 Don' t complain ! Count your blessings ! 别怨天尤人了! 你应该知足! 电影 傲慢与偏见 拓展表达: a mixed blessing 喜忧参半 Being beautiful can be a mixed blessing. 漂亮是喜忧参半。 拓展表达:a blessing in disguise 因祸得福 最初看似不幸,但实际被证明是好事 My trip to New York City was canceled. However, the cancellation was a blessing in disguise. 我去纽约的行程被取消了。 拓展表达: be blessed with XX 有幸获得某种品质或才能 He is blessed with athletic abilities. 他具备得天独厚的运动能力。 活学活用 请用 count your blessings. 随意造句 Edelweiss, Edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white, clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, Edelweiss Bless my homeland forever Small and white, clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, Edelweiss Bless my homeland forever