

2019-02-25    11'11''

主播: TeacherGwen

8692 77

2.25 早读 English today is not an art to be mastered. It's just a tool to use to get a result. And that tool belongs to you. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 截图来自电影《 》 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. tool 2. result 言之有物 1. English today 今日的英语 今日/如今的XX 可以说today's XX, 也可以说XX today或the XX of today 来自《厨艺大师》 I think today's children should really learn to respect their elders. 我认为今天的孩子应当好好学习尊重长者。 Children today are under a lot of stress and strain. 今天的儿童正在大量的应力和应变。 2. an art to be mastered...to master an art 掌握一门艺术 a tool to use to... to use a tool 使用一项工具 3. get a result 得到结果/达到目的; (在球赛中) 得胜; If this football team doesn't get a result tonight, they will be put down into a lower division. 如果今晚这支足球队不能赢球,他们将会被降级。 4. XX belongs to somebody XX属于... This pen belongs to me. 这只笔属于我的。 The handwriting belongs to a male. 这是男性的笔迹。 来自《蓝莓之夜》