

2019-04-15    12'57''

主播: TeacherGwen

3620 42

4.15 早读 We are unique. We are irreplaceable. What lies within us can never be truly colonized, contorted, or taken away. The light never goes out. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 截图来自电影《 》 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: unique irreplaceable 言之有物 1. unique adj. 独特的 点击跳转 2018.7.19 uni- 单一 unity unite uniform you have a unique sense of style. 2. ir+replace+able adj.不可替代的 词根为 place verb. 放置 舌尖上的中国 replace 替换 (re重新/再次+place放置) 3. What lies within us...我们内心中的东西... 回顾:a hero lies in you. 点击跳转 2.27 4. be colonized, contorted, or taken away colony 殖民地 colonize 动词 殖民 contort 动词 contorted 形容词 扭曲的 ( twisted out of shape 扭变形 ) take away 带走 5. the light goes out. 灯光/火熄灭 go out 出去/约会/消息传出 The bedroom light went out after a moment. 卧室里的灯过了一会儿就灭了。 The fire seemed to be going out. 火看起来快灭了。