

2019-05-09    07'20''

主播: TeacherGwen

4923 53

5.09 早读 The past cannot be changed, but the future is yet in our power. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 截图来自电影《 》 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. changed /d/ 2. future is /r/ 言之有物 1.The past cannot be changed. 过去无法改变。 2. XX is yet... yet 还 词链儿:XX is yet to XX XX yet to come XX yet to happen The best is yet to come. 最好的尚未来临 拓展:just yet 还/先 Don't thank me just yet. 先别谢我。 You cannot go home just yet 你还不能回家。 I don't think we should give up just yet. 我不认为我们应就此放弃。 3. in XX's power 在XX的掌控之中