

2019-05-27    11'37''

主播: TeacherGwen

4511 49

5.27 早读 Beyond anything, the real sense check for happiness and meaning in life was relationships, connections, interactions with depth that are fulfiling and full of joy. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 截图来自电影《 》 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: happiness depth full fool 言之有物 1. beyond anything 超越任何其他/除了一切别的什么 beyond 超过/超越 Some shops keep open beyond midnight. 有些商店营业到半夜以后。 2. the real sense check 真正意义上的检验 real sense 真正意义上的 I want to get a real sense of the space. 我想要真正意义上的空间。 In a very real sense, they're like children. 从实际意义来说,他们就像是小孩子。 All I need is care and a real sense of security. 我需要的只是一份关怀,还有那真实的安全感。 类似词链儿:in a true sense 3. interactions with depth 深入的相互影响 interaction noun. 相互影响 拓展:in-depth adj. 深入的 彻底的 in-depth interactions/conversations 4. fulfiling adj. 同 satisfying How to lead a more satisfying and fulfilling life? 怎样过满足、幸福的生活? 5. be full of joy 充满喜悦 Life is full of joy. 人生总是充满了欢乐。