

2019-05-29    11'54''

主播: TeacherGwen

4562 45

5.29 早读 You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went. You can swear and curse the fates. But when it comes to the end, you have to let go. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 截图来自电影《 》 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: mad 英美 fates 言之有物 1. mad dog 疯狗 madhouse 精神病院 人猿星球 It's been a madhouse here. 这乱遭遭一片。 mad queen mad king 2. be mad at somebody mad 也可表示“生气”,程度比upset更严重。 3. the way things go 事情的发展方向/走向 4. swear and curse 诅咒、咒骂 swear和curse都有咒骂、诅咒的意思,但是swear还可以表示“宣誓”、“起誓”。 swear to somebody/ swear to do something I'm innocent, I swear to god. 我是无辜的,我对老天发誓。 5. when it comes to the end 到了最后 at the end of the day 拓展: when it comes to XX,... 涉及到XX时,... There's nothing she doesn't know when it comes to computers. 涉及到电脑,没有她不懂的。 He's a sweet guy, but he's a bit useless when it comes to kids. 他人很好,但一涉及到养育孩子,他就不行了。 6. let go 放手 let it go 随它去吧 I let go. 我放下了心里的负担,哭了出来。 Let go 都有什么意思?