【April读绘本:珀西和獾】Percy and the Badger

【April读绘本:珀西和獾】Percy and the Badger

2017-10-02    05'42''

主播: AprilAir

520 7

小知识:獾又名狗獾,是分布欧亚洲的一种哺乳动物。属于肉食目鼬科。 Percy the Park Keeper was in the park. He saw his friend the badger. Percy said," Hello. You do look muddy!" Percy had an idea. He got out his old tin bath. Percy said," Come and have a bath." The badger said, " Oh, no!" He didn't want a bath. Percy got out his jug and his bath cap. He said," Where's that badger?" The badger had gone. Percy looked and looked... ...but he couldn't find the badger at all. Then Percy had another idea. He said," The badger doesn't want a bath, but I do." He got into the bath! Percy said," Where is that badger?" CRACK! What was that? The badger fell out of a tree into the bath! SPLASH! Percy laughed. "Well, well! You are having a bath, after all!"
上一期: The Lonely Penguin
下一期: What's for breakfast