双语绘本Goat's coat

双语绘本Goat's coat

2017-12-12    09'26''

主播: AprilAir

474 4

Goat had a good coat. It was a red wool coat. It was soft and snug. Goat’s coat was the best. It is fab! Fox had socks. The socks had pink spots. Fox did look good. But Fox was sad. Goat’s coat was smart. I wish I had that coat! Fox was mad. He must get that coat. Fox plotted to get it. Coat put up the hood. She kept the coat snug. She ran past Fox. But Fox was fast. He swung at Goat. Grab! Rip! Fox got the coat and ran off. But the coat was torn. Goat was sad. The coat was lost. Fox is bad! Fox felt bad. He did not like to see Goat sad. So he got some wool and mended the coat. Fox ran back. He put the coat on Goat. But Goat spotted Fox’s socks. Goat took the socks. Fox took the coat. Fox in a coat and Goat in socks.
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