

2015-02-07    08'09''

主播: 英语直播间

2229 110

1) Separate sheep from goats -In order to separate the sheep from goats, Simon gave his 3 girlfriends 500 dollars to see how they would spend it -In order to separate the sheep from goats, the Head doctor asked his students to all perform difficult surgeries -In order to separate the sheep from goats, the grandfather only allowed his charitable grandchildren to have inheritance Definition: Separating good people and bad or unqualified people Etymology: Term is biblical and refers to how the Christian god would separate people he liked and people who were bad. 2) Wolf in sheep's clothing -Beware of Cory, although he looks like someone with a heavy suitcase. He could be a wolf in sheep's clothing trying to trick the lady working at the check-in counter -Brenda told Carly to beware of John, since he was a wolf in sheep's clothing -Although the President had a friendly demeanor, many suspected he was a wolf in sheep's clothing Definition: used of those playing a role contrary to their real character, with whom contact is dangerous. Etymology: 12th century Greek rhetorician Nikephoros Basilakis, A wolf once decided to change his nature by changing his appearance, and thus get plenty to eat. He put on a sheepskin and accompanied the flock to the pasture. The shepherd was fooled by the disguise. 3) The willies -Sandra got the Willies when she watched the Thai horror movie "Shutter" -Kenny got the Willies when he went on a ghost hunt and thought he heard a noise -Sara got the willies when she walked through the dark woods Definition: freak you out