你懂什么是Keep on her toes吗?

你懂什么是Keep on her toes吗?

2015-05-21    07'57''

主播: 英语直播间

1453 131

Keep on her toes The boss kept all his employees on their toes by saying that he would fire anyone with poor sales records The government kept the subway inspectors on their toes by hiring people to pose as gangsters with weapons to board trains Bob always took the most difficult assignments, because being kept on his toes allowed him to perform better Definition: to force someone to remain alert Last laugh Although Sheryl was bullied by the cool girls in high school, she had the last laugh when she came to the 20 year school reunion with a handsome husband and a successful career Mr. Smith said I was an idiot for buying an old hutong in 1990s. But I had the last laugh when I sold it for millions 10 years later Craig laughed at me for failing the final exam. But I got the last laugh because I got into the better college Definition: to laugh at someone who laughed at you Skate on thin ice I try to keep well informed with the news, so I dont end up skating on thin ice when the boss asks me about Politics Men are skating on thin ice when they say that their girlfriend looks similar to an actress Mr. Flanders was skating on thin ice when he kept his beard in a place that banned beards Definition: doing something risky, or in a situaiton that could quickly become dangerous