张智霖佘诗曼十五年后再聚首 相恋《十月初五的阳光》

张智霖佘诗曼十五年后再聚首 相恋《十月初五的阳光》

2015-11-19    03'53''

主播: 英语直播间

1741 144

In an exclusive interview, Charmaine Sheh talks about her role in this movie adaptation of a once huge hit on Hong Kong's TVB. Luo Laiming has more. Reporter: Fifteen years after the TVB hit series Cuckoo aired to audiences in and outside Hong Kong, a movie adaptation on the basis of this drama series and employs the same leading actor and actresses, will soon meet their fans in Chinese mainland cinemas. Charmaine Sheh still acts as Zhu Junhao in the movie. "The chance to act Zhu Junhao again is totally out of my expectations. After I read the script, I got moved to tears. Finally I've decided to take up this challenge." Zhu Junhao (祝君好) literally means in Chinese 'Wish you good luck'. However, keeping this good wish in mind, Junhao hadn't married her beloved Wen Chu eventually at the end in the TVB series. Charmaine Sheh explains she disliked that ending either. "I felt the TVB drama series of 'Return of the Cuckoo' gave no good ending: why hadn't Wenchu and Junhao been together? I disliked that ending very much. However, today, I've realized it is the then pity that has paved the way for a new start in terms of shooting this movie to be continued." The upcoming film revolves around a moving love story, with Hong Kong veteran actor Julian Cheung playing the same role as Wen Chu, a young boy who used to lose his voice as a result of his mentally-unstable mother feeding him corrosive liquid. In the movie, the path of love between Jun Hao and Wen Chu does not seem smooth, with a third person to meddle in between played by Joe Chen, a new character for the movie adaptation. Probably due to that mental attack, there's a notable difference in the movie version for Charmaine Sheh as she discloses: "I have to use hand body language in the movie, which I think is a very emotional part because the character I play wanted to communicate with others but lost the ability to speak. Thus each sentence of her sign language expresses her deepest inner feelings." After signing a part-time contract with TVB in May 2011, Charmaine Sheh has partly diverted her work focus to the Chinese mainland, where she's advancing her career. In the interview, Charmaine Sheh said she hopes she would optimistically spend half a year in Hong Kong and half a year in the Chinese mainland, where she wishes to cooperate with titanic film-making talents such as Zhang Yimou and Wu Xiubo. "I have come to appreciate director Zhang Yimou, whom I think understands women's heart. If someday I cooperated with him, I would laugh out loud in my dream. Wu Xiubo is the actor who I wish to star with for he's really charming with the eyes that have the power to speak." Charmaine Sheh's new film 'Return of the Cuckoo' has another name as Moonlight of October 5th or Shi Yue Chu Wu De Yue Guang in Chinese (十月初五的月光). Will it be making history on the big screen as the story makes a comeback? Please check it out in cinemas. For Studio Plus, I'm Laiming.