1.All Star Wars fans know James Earl Jones was the voice of the villain Darth Vader, but who actually played him in physical form?
a)Arnold Schwarzenegger
b)David Prowse
c)George Lucas
d)Sean Connery
2.On the first day of filming the very first Star Wars film in Tunisia, the crew experienced what weather phenomenon in the area?
a) sandstorm
b) tornado
c) rainstorm
d) snow
3.Which earthly language is featured prominently in the language of the Ewoks?
a) Quechuan (spoken by indigenous people of the Andes)
b) Kalmyk (spoken by nomadic people from Eurasia)
c) Pana (endangered language in Africa)
d) Cree (Native American language in North America)
4.Who is the only non-Jedi/Sith in the entire original trilogy to ever wield a lightsaber?
a) Princess Leia
b) Han Solo
c) Chewbacca
d) C-3PO
5.Han Solo won the Millennium Falcon in playing which game?
a) sabacc
b) tabacc
c) tic-tac toe
d) go fish
6.British actor Alan Rickman auditioned for which part in the series?
a) Darth Vader
b) Luke Skywalker
c) Moff Jerjerrod
d) Han Solo
7.Apart from Luke Skywalker, who is the only X-wing pilot to survive in the original trilogy?
a) Grizz Fix
b) Sila Kott
c) Jek Porkins
d) Wedge Antilles