151007 经典文学《简·爱》第12期

151007 经典文学《简·爱》第12期

2015-10-07    02'05''

主播: Fred英语笔记

8726 794

【主播微博:@孙梓晋的微博】 &`&Take me out! Let me go into the nursery!&`& was my cry. “带我出去!让我去育儿室!”我带着哭腔说到。 &`&What for? Are you hurt? Have you seen something?&`& again demanded Bessie. “怎么了?你受伤了吗?你看见什么东西了吗?”贝茜再次询问到。 &`&Oh! I saw a light, and I thought a ghost would come.&`& “啊!我看到了一道光,想必是鬼来了。” I had now got hold of Bessie&`&s hand, and she did not snatch it from me. 这时,我拉住了贝茜的手,而她并没有抽回去。 &`&She has screamed out on purpose,&`& declared Abbot, in some disgust. “她是故意乱叫乱嚷的,”艾博特厌烦地当着我的面说。 &`&And what a scream! If she had been in great pain one would have excused it, but she only wanted to bring us all here. I know her naughty tricks.&`& “而且叫得那么凶!要是真痛得厉害,倒还可以原谅,可她只不过要把我们骗到这里来,我知道她的诡计。” &`&What is all this?&`& demanded another voice peremptorily. “到底是怎么回事?”一个咄咄逼人的声音问道。 And Mrs. Reed came along the corridor, her cap flying wide, her gown rustling stormily. 随后,里德太太从走廊里走过来,帽子飘忽着被风鼓得大大的,睡袍悉悉簌簌响个不停。 &`&Abbot and Bessie, I believe I gave orders that Jane Eyre should be left in the red-room till I came to her myself.&`& “艾博特,贝茜,我想我吩咐过,让简·爱呆在红房子里,由我亲自来过问。” &`&Miss Jane screamed so loud, ma&`&am,&`& pleaded Bessie. “简小姐叫得那么响,夫人,”贝茵恳求着。 &`&Let her go,&`& was the only answer. “放开她,”这是唯一的回答。 &`&Loose Bessie&`&s hand, child. You cannot succeed in getting out by these means, be assured. “松开贝茵的手,孩子。你尽可放心,靠这些办法,是出不去的。 I abhor artifice, particularly in children. 我讨厌耍花招,尤其是小孩子。 It is my duty to show you that tricks will not answer. 我有责任让你知道,鬼把戏不管用。 You will now stay here an hour longer, and it is only on condition of perfect submission and stillness that I shall liberate you then.&`& 现在你要在这里多呆一个小时,而且只有服服贴贴,一动不动,才放你出来。” &`&O aunt! have pity! forgive me! I cannot endure it. “啊,舅妈,可怜可怜我吧!饶恕我吧!我实在受不了啦。 Let me be punished some other way! I shall be killed if...&`& 用别的办法惩罚我吧!我会憋死的,要是...” &`&Silence! This violence is all most repulsive.&`& “住嘴!这么闹闹嚷嚷讨厌透了。” And so, no doubt, she felt it. I was a precocious actress in her eyes. 她无疑就是这么感觉的。在她眼里我是个早熟的演员。 She sincerely. Looked on me as a compound of virulent passions, mean spirit, and dangerous duplicity. 她打心底里认为,我是个本性恶毒、灵魂卑劣、为人阴险的货色。 Bessie and Abbot having retreated, Mrs. Reed, impatient of my now frantic anguish and wild sobs, abruptly thrust me back and locked me in, without farther parley. 贝茜和艾博特退了出去。里德太太对我疯也似的痛苦嚎叫很不耐烦,无意再往下谈了,蓦地把我往后一推,锁上了门。 I heard her sweeping away and soon after she was gone, I suppose I had a species of fit, unconsciousness closed the scene. 我听见她堂而皇之地走了。她走后不久,我猜想我便一阵痉挛,昏了过去,结束了这场吵闹。