151015 经典文学《简·爱》第14期

151015 经典文学《简·爱》第14期

2015-10-15    02'23''

主播: Fred英语笔记

12228 694

【主播微博:@孙梓晋的微博】 “Do you feel as if you should sleep, Miss?” asked Bessie, rather softly. “你觉得该睡了吗,小姐?”贝茜问,口气相当温存。 Scarcely dared I answer her, for I feared the next sentence might be rough. “I will try.” 我几乎不敢回答她,害怕接着的话粗鲁不中听。“我试试。” “Would you like to drink, or could you eat anything?” “你想喝什么,或者能吃点什么吗?” “No, thank you, Bessie.” “不啦,谢谢,贝茜。” “Then I think I shall go to bed, for it is past twelve o&`& clock, but you may call me if you want anything in the night.” “那我去睡了,已经过了十二点啦,不过要是夜里需要什么,你尽管叫我。” Wonderful civility this! It emboldened me to ask a question. 多么彬彬有礼啊!于是我大着胆子问了个问题。 “Bessie, what is the matter with me? Am I ill?” “贝茜,我怎啦?病了吗?” “You fell sick, I suppose, in the red-room with crying; you&`&ll be better soon, no doubt.” “你是病了,猜想是在红房子里哭出病来的,肯定很快就会好的。” Bessie went into the housemaid&`&s apartment, which was near. 贝茵走进了附近佣人的卧房。 I heard her say: Sarah, come and sleep with me in the nursery. 我听见她说:萨拉,过来同我一起睡在保育室吧。 I daren&`&t for my life be alone with that poor child to-night. She might die. 今儿晚上,就是要我命,我也不敢同那个可怜孩子单独过夜了。她说不定会死的。 It&`&s such a strange thing she should have that fit. 真奇怪她竟会昏过去。 I wonder if she saw anything. Missis was rather too hard. 不知道她看见了什么没有。里德太太也太狠心了。 Sarah came back with her. They both went to bed. 萨拉跟着她回来了,两人都上了床。 They were whispering together for half-an-hour before they fell asleep. 嘁嘁喳喳讲了半个小时才睡着。 I caught scraps of their conversation, from which I was able only too distinctly to infer the main subject discussed. 我只听到了片言只语,但我可以清楚地推断出她们讨论的主题。 “Something passed her, all dressed in white, and vanished.” “有个东西从她身边经过,一身素装,转眼就不见了。” “A great black dog behind him.” “一条大黑狗跟在后面。” “Three loud raps on the chamber door.” “在房门上砰砰砰”敲了三下。” “A light in the churchyard just over his grave,” etc. etc. “墓地里一道白光正好掠过他坟墓”等等等等。 At last both slept. The fire and the candle went out. 最后,两人都睡着了,炉火和烛光也都熄灭。 For me, the watches of that long night passed in ghastly wakefulness. 我就这么可怕地醒着挨过了漫漫长夜。 Ear, eye and mind were liked strained by dread, such dread as children only can feel. 害怕得耳朵、眼睛和头脑都紧张起来,这种恐俱是只有儿童才能感受到的。 No severe or prolonged bodily illness followed this incident of the red-room. 红房子事件并没有给我身体留下严重或慢性的后遗症 It only gave my nerves a shock of which I feel the reverberation to this day. 它不过使我的神经受了惊吓,对此我至今记忆犹新。 Yes, Mrs. Reed, to you I owe some fearful pangs of mental suffering, but I ought to forgive you, for you knew not what you did. 是的,里德太太,你让我领受了可怕的精神创伤,但我应当原谅你、因为你并不明白自己干了些什么。 While rending my heart-strings, you thought you were only uprooting my bad propensities. 明明是在割断我的心弦,却自以为无非是要根除我的恶习。