151018 经典文学《简·爱》第15期

151018 经典文学《简·爱》第15期

2015-10-18    02'04''

主播: Fred英语笔记

11964 670

【主播微博:@孙梓晋的微博】 Next day, by noon, I was up and dressed, and sat wrapped in a shawl by the nursery hearth. 第二天中午,我起来穿好衣服,裹了块浴巾,坐在保育室壁炉旁边。 I felt physically weak and broken down. 我身体虚弱,几乎要垮下来。 But my worse ailment was an unutterable wretchedness of mind, a wretchedness which kept drawing from me silent tears. 但最大的痛楚却是内心难以言传的苦恼,弄得我不断地暗暗落泪。 No sooner had I wiped one salt drop from my cheek than another followed. 才从脸颊上抹去一滴带咸味的泪水,另一滴又滚落下来。 Yet, I thought, I ought to have been happy, for none of the Reeds were there, they were all gone out in the carriage with their mama. 不过,我想我应当高兴,因为里德一家人都不在,他们都坐了车随妈妈出去了。 Abbot, too, was sewing in another room, and Bessie, as she moved hither and thither, 艾博特也在另一间屋里做针线活。而贝茵呢,来回忙碌着, putting away toys and arranging drawers, addressed to me every now and then a word of unwonted kindness. 一面把玩具收拾起来,将抽屉整理好,一面还不时地同我说两句少有的体贴话。 This state of things should have been to me a paradise of peace, accustomed as I was to a life of ceaseless reprimand and thankless fagging. 对我来说,过惯了那种成天挨骂、辛辛苦苦吃力不讨好的日子后,这光景该好比是平静的乐园。 But, in fact, my racked nerves were now in such a state that no calm could soothe, and no pleasure excite them agreeably. 然而,我的神经己被折磨得痛苦不堪,终于连平静也抚慰不了我,欢乐也难以使我兴奋了。 Bessie had been down into the kitchen, and she brought up with her a tart on a certain brightly painted china plate, 贝茜下楼去了一趟厨房,端上来一个小烘饼,放在一个图案鲜艳的瓷盘里, whose bird of paradise, nestling in a wreath of convolvuli and rosebuds, had been wont to stir in me a most enthusiastic sense of admiration. 图案上画的是一只极乐鸟,偎依在一圈旋花和玫瑰花苞上。这幅画曾激起我热切的羡慕之情。 And which plate I had often petitioned to be allowed to take in my hand in order to examine it more closely. 我常常恳求让我端一端这只盘子,好仔细看个究竟。 But had always hitherto been deemed unworthy of such a privilege. 但总是被认为不配享受这样的特权。 This precious vessel was now placed on my knee, and I was cordially invited to eat the circlet of delicate pastry upon it. 此刻,这只珍贵的器皿就搁在我膝头上,我还受到热诚邀请,品尝器皿里一小圈精美的糕点。 Vain favour! Coming, like most other favours long deferred and often wished for, too late! 徒有虚名的垂爱啊!跟其他久拖不予而又始终期待着的宠爱一样,来得太晚了! I could not eat the tart, and the plumage of the bird, the tints of the flowers, seemed strangely faded. 我已无意光顾这烘饼,而且那鸟的羽毛和花卉的色泽也奇怪地黯然无光了。 I put both plate and tart away. 我把盘子和烘饼挪开。 Bessie asked if I would have a book. 贝茜问我是否想要一本书。 The word book acted as a transient stimulus, and I begged her to fetch Gulliver&`&s Travels from the library. “书”字产生了瞬间的刺激,我求她去图书室取来一本《格列佛游记》。 This book I had again and again perused with delight. 我曾兴致勃动地反复细读过这本书。 I considered it a narrative of facts, and discovered in it a vein of interest deeper than what I found in fairy tales. 我认为书中叙述的都实有其事,因而觉得比童话中写的有趣。