151107 经典文学《简·爱》第21期

151107 经典文学《简·爱》第21期

2015-11-07    02'08''

主播: Fred英语笔记

13533 504

In the interview which followed between him and Mrs. Reed, I presume, from after-occurrences, 从以后发生的情况推测,药剂师在随后与里德太太的会见中, that the apothecary ventured to recommend my being sent to school. 大胆建议送我进学校。 And the recommendation was no doubt readily enough adopted. 无疑,这个建议被欣然采纳了。 For as Abbot said, in discussing the subject with Bessie when both sat sewing in the nursery one night, after I was in bed, 一天夜里,艾博特和贝茜坐在保育室里,做着针钱活儿,谈起了这件事。那时,我已经上床, and, as they thought, asleep. 她们以为我睡着了。 "Missis was, she dared say, glad enough to get rid of such a tiresome, ill-conditioned child, 艾博特说:“我想太太一定巴不得摆脱这样一个既讨厌、品质又不好的孩子, who always looked as if she were watching everybody, and scheming plots underhand." 她那样子就好像眼睛老盯着每个人,暗地里在搞什么阴谋似的。” Abbot, I think, gave me credit for being a sort of infantine Guy Fawkes. 我想艾博特准相信我是幼年的盖伊·福克斯式人物了。 On that same occasion I learned, for the first time, from Miss Abbot&`&s communications to Bessie, that my father had been a poor clergyman. 就是这一回,我从艾博特与贝茜的文谈中第一次获悉,我父亲生前是个牧师。 That my mother had married him against the wishes of her friends, who considered the match beneath her. 我母亲违背了朋友们的意愿嫁给了他,他们认为这桩婚事有失她的身份。 That my grandfather Reed was so irritated at her disobedience, he cut her off without a shilling. 我的外祖父里德,因为我母亲不听话而勃然大怒,一气之下同她断绝了关系,没留给她一个子儿。 That after my mother and father had been married a year, 我父母亲结婚才一年, the latter caught the typhus fever while visiting among the poor of a large manufacturing town where his curacy was situated, 父亲染上了斑疹伤寒,因为他奔走于副牧师供职地区、一个大工业城镇的穷人中间, and where that disease was then prevalent. 而当时该地流行着斑疹伤寒。 That my mother took the infection from him, and both died within a month of each other. 我母亲从父亲那儿染上了同一疾病,结果父母双双故去,前后相距下到一个月。 Bessie, when she heard this narrative, sighed and said, “Poor Miss Jane is to be pitied, too, Abbot.” 贝茜听了这番话便长叹一声说:“可怜的简小姐也是值得同情呐,艾博特。” "Yes," responded Abbot, "If she were a nice, pretty child, one might compassionate her forlornness, but one really cannot care for such a little toad as that." “是呀,”艾博特回答,“她若是漂亮可爱,人家倒也会可怜她那么孤苦伶仃的,可是像她那样的小东西,实在不讨人喜欢。” "Not a great deal, to be sure," agreed Bessie, "At any rate, a beauty like Miss Georgiana would be more moving in the same condition." “确实不大讨人喜欢,”贝茜表示同意,“至少在同样处境下,乔治亚娜这样的美人儿会更惹人喜爱。” "Yes, I doat on Miss Georgiana!" cried the fervent Abbot. “是呀,我就是喜欢乔治亚娜小姐!”狂热的艾博特嚷道。 "Little darling! With her long curls and her blue eyes, and such a sweet colour as she has, “真是个小宝贝。长长的卷发,蓝蓝的眼睛,还有那么可爱的肤色, just as if she were painted! Bessie, I could fancy a Welsh rabbit for supper." 简直像画出来的一股!贝茜,晚餐我真想吃威尔士兔子。” "So could I.With a roast onion. Come, we&`&ll go down." They went. “我也一样。外加烤洋葱。来吧,我们下楼去。”她们走了。本文来自:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201510/403833.shtml