151111 经典文学《简·爱》第24期

151111 经典文学《简·爱》第24期

2015-11-11    02'44''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4975 477

【主播微博:@孙梓晋的微博 @高蕊啦啦啦】 Long did the hours seem while I waited the departure of the company, and listened for the sound of Bessie&`&s step on the stairs. 我似乎要等很久很久客人们才散去,才候着贝茜上楼的脚步声。 Sometimes she would come up in the interval to seek her thimble or her scissors, or perhaps to bring me something by way of supper — a bun or a cheese-cake. 有时她会在中间上楼来,找顶针或剪刀,或者端上一个小面包、奶酪饼什么的当作我的晚餐。 Then she would sit on the bed while I ate it, and when I had finished, she would tuck the clothes round me, 她会坐在床上看我吃。我一吃完,她会替我把被子塞好, and twice she kissed me, and said, “Good night, Miss Jane.” 亲了我两下,说:“晚安,简小姐。” When thus gentle, Bessie seemed to me the best, prettiest, kindest being in the world. 贝茜和颜悦色的时候,我就觉得她是人世间最好、最漂亮、最善良的人。 And I wished most intensely that she would always be so pleasant and amiable, and never push me about, or scold, or task me unreasonably, as she was too often won&`&t to do. 我热切希望她会总是那么讨人喜欢,那么和蔼可亲,不要老是支使我,骂我,无理责备我,我现在想来。 Bessie Lee must, I think, have been a girl of good natural capacity, for she was smart in all she did, and had a remarkable knack of narrative. 贝茜·李一定是位很有天赋的姑娘,因为她干什么都在行,还有善讲故事的惊人诀窍。 So, at least, I judge from the impression made on me by her nursery tales. 至少保育室故事留给我的印象,让我可以作出这样的判断。 She was pretty too, if my recollections of her face and person are correct. 如果我对她的脸蛋和身材没有记错,那她还长得很漂亮。 I remember her as a slim young woman, with black hair, dark eyes, very nice features, and good, clear complexion. 在我的记忆中,她是个身材苗条的少妇,有着墨色的头发,乌黑的眸子,端正的五官和光洁的皮肤。 But she had a capricious and hasty temper, and indifferent ideas of principle or justice. 但她任性急躁,缺乏原则性和正义感。 Still, such as she was, I preferred her to any one else at Gateshead Hall. 尽管加此,在盖茨黑德府的人中、我最喜欢她。 It was the fifteenth of January, about nine o&`& clock in the morning. 那是一月十五日早上九点。 Bessie was gone down to breakfast; my cousins had not yet been summoned to their mama. 贝茜已下楼去用早餐,我的表兄妹们还没有被叫唤到他们妈妈身边。 Eliza was putting on her bonnet and warm garden-coat to go and feed her poultry, an occupation of which she was fond. 伊丽莎正戴上宽边帽,穿上暖和的园艺服,出喂她的家禽。 And not less so of selling the eggs to the housekeeper and hoarding up the money she thus obtained. 这活儿她百做不厌,并不逊于把鸡鱼类给女管家,把所得钱藏匿起来。 She had a turn for traffic, and a marked propensity for saving. 她有做买卖的才干,有突出的聚财癖。 Shown not only in the vending of eggs and chickens, but also in driving hard bargains with the gardener about flower-roots, seeds, and slips of plants. 不仅表现在兜售鸡蛋和鸡方面,而且也在跟园艺工就花茎、花籽和插枝而拼命讨价还价上显露出来。 That functionary having orders from Mrs. Reed to buy of his young lady all the products of her parterre she wished to sell. 里德太太曾吩咐园艺工,凡是伊丽莎想卖掉的花圃产品,他都得统统买下。 And Eliza would have sold the hair off her head if she could have made a handsome profit thereby. 而要是能赚大钱,伊丽莎连出售自己的头发也心甘情愿。 As to her money, she first secreted it in odd corners, wrapped in a rag or an old curl-paper. 至于所得的钱,起初她用破布或陈旧的卷发纸包好,藏在偏僻的角落里。 But some of these hoards having been discovered by the housemaid, Eliza, fearful of one day losing her valued treasure, 但后来其中一些秘藏物被女佣所发现,她深怕有一天丢失她值钱的宝藏, consented to intrust it to her mother, at a usurious rate of interest — fifty or sixty percent, which interest she exacted every quarter, 同意由她母亲托管,收取近乎高利贷的利息 — 百分之五十或六十,一个季度索讨一次。 keeping her accounts in a little book with anxious accuracy. 她还把帐记在一个小本子上,算得分毫不差。 Georgiana sat on a high stool, dressing her hair at the glass, and interweaving her curls with artificial flowers and faded feathers, 乔治亚娜坐在一条高脚凳上,对镜梳理着自己的头发。她把一朵朵人造花和一根根褪色的羽毛插到卷发上, of which she had found a store in a drawer in the attic. 这些东西是她在阁楼上的一个抽屉里找到的。