151208  经典文学《简·爱》 第38期

151208 经典文学《简·爱》 第38期

2015-12-08    02'50''

主播: Fred英语笔记

10351 446

"Is there a little girl called Jane Eyre here?" she asked. "有个叫简·爱的小姑娘吗?"她问。 I answered "Yes," and was then lifted out. 我回答了,声"有"之后便被抱了出去。 My trunk was handed down, and the coach instantly drove away. 箱子也卸了下来,随后马车立即驶走了。 I was stiff with long sitting, and bewildered with the noise and motion of the coach. 因为久坐,我身子都发僵了,马车的喧声和震动弄得我迷迷糊糊。 Gathering my faculties, I looked about me. 我定下神来,环顾左右。 Rain, wind, and darkness filled the air. 只见雨在下,风在刮,周围一片黑暗。 Nevertheless, I dimly discerned a wall before me and a door open in it. 不过我隐约看到面前有一堵墙,墙上有一扇门。 Through this door I passed with my new guide. 新来的向导领我进去。 She shut and locked it behind her. 她把门关上,随手上了锁。 There was now visible a house or houses — for the building spread far — with many windows, and lights burning in some. 这时看得见一间,也许是几间房子,因为那建筑物铺展得很开,上面有很多窗子,其中几扇里亮着灯。 We went up a broad pebbly path, splashing wet, and were admitted at a door. 我们踏上一条水沫飞溅的宽阔石子路,后来又进了一扇门。 Then the servant led me through a passage into a room with a fire, where she left me alone. 接着仆人带我穿过一条过道,进了一个生着火的房间,撇下我走了。 I stood and warmed my numbed fingers over the blaze, then I looked round. 我站着,在火上烘着冻僵了的手指。 There was no candle, but the uncertain light from the hearth showed, by intervals, papered walls, carpet, curtains, shining mahogany furniture. 我举目四顾,房间里没有蜡烛,壁炉中摇曳的火光,间或照出了糊过壁纸的墙、地毯、窗帘、闪光的红木家具。 It was a parlour, not so spacious or splendid as the drawing-room at Gateshead, but comfortable enough. 这是一间客厅,虽不及盖茨黑德客厅宽敞堂皇,却十分舒服。 I was puzzling to make out the subject of a picture on the wall, 我正迷惑不解地猜测着墙上一幅画的画意时, when the door opened, and an individual carrying a light entered. Another followed close behind. 门开了,进来了一个人,手里提着一盏灯,后面紧跟着另一个人。 The first was a tall lady with dark hair, dark eyes, and a pale and large forehead. 先进门的是个高个子女人、黑头发,黑眼睛,白皙宽大的额角。 Her figure was partly enveloped in a shawl, her countenance was grave, her bearing erect. 她半个身子裹在披巾里,神情严肃,体态挺直。 "The child is very young to be sent alone," said she, putting her candle down on the table. "这孩子年纪这么小,真不该让她独个儿来,"她说着,把蜡烛放在桌子上。 She considered me attentively for a minute or two, then further added: 细细端详了我一两分钟,随后补充道: "She had better be put to bed soon. She looks tired." "还是快点送她上床吧,她看来累了。 "Are you tired?" she asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. 你累吗?"她把手放在我肩上问道。 "A little, ma' am." "有点累,太太。" "And hungry too, no doubt. "肯定也饿了。 Let her have some supper before she goes to bed, Miss Miller. 米勒小姐,让她睡前吃些晚饭。 Is this the first time you have left your parents to come to school, my little girl?" 你是第一次离开父母来上学吗,我的小姑娘?" I explained to her that I had no parents. 我向她解释说我没有父母。 She inquired how long they had been dead. 她问我他们去世多久了。 Then how old I was, what was my name, whether I could read, write, and sew a little. 还问我自已几岁,叫什么名字,会不会一点读、写和缝纫。 Then she touched my cheek gently with her forefinger, and saying, 随后用食指轻轻碰了碰我脸颊说, "She hoped I should be a good child," dismissed me along with Miss Miller. 但愿我是一个好孩子,说完便打发我与米勒小姐走了。 The lady I had left might be about twenty-nine. 那位刚离开的小姐约摸二十九岁。 The one who went with me appeared some years younger. 跟我一起走的那位比她略小几岁。 The first impressed me by her voice, look, and air. 前者的腔调、目光和神态给我印象很深。 Miss Miller was more ordinary; ruddy in complexion, though of a careworn countenance; 而米勒小姐比较平淡无奇,显得身心交瘁,但面色却还红润。 hurried in gait and action, like one who had always a multiplicity of tasks on hand. 她的步态和动作十分匆忙,仿佛手头总有忙不完的事情。 She looked, indeed, what I afterwards found she really was, an under-teacher. 说真的好看上去像个助理教师,后来我发现果真如此。