151212 经典文学《简·爱》 第40期

151212 经典文学《简·爱》 第40期

2015-12-12    02'51''

主播: Fred英语笔记

7043 404

It would make you happier every day if you remembered all the good things in life. 感恩每一天。^_^ The night passed rapidly. 夜很快逝去了。 I was too tired even to dream. 我累得连梦也没有做。 I only once awoke to hear the wind rave in furious gusts, and the rain fall in torrents, 只醒来过一次,听见狂风阵阵,大雨倾盆, and to be sensible that Miss Miller had taken her place by my side. 还知道米勒小姐睡在我身边。 When I again unclosed my eyes, a loud bell was ringing. 我再次睁开眼睛时,只听见铃声喧嚷。 The girls were up and dressing. 姑娘们已穿衣起身。 Day had not yet begun to dawn, and a rushlight or two burned in the room. 天色未明,房间里燃着一两支灯心草蜡烛。 I too rose reluctantly. 我颤抖着尽力把衣服穿好。 It was bitter cold, and I dressed as well as I could for shivering, and washed when there was a basin at liberty, 等脸盆空着时洗了脸。但我并没有马上等到, which did not occur soon, as there was but one basin to six girls, on the stands down the middle of the room. 因为六个姑娘才合一个脸盆,摆在楼下房间正中的架子上。 Again the bell rang. All formed in file, two and two, and in that order descended the stairs and entered the cold and dimly lit schoolroom. 铃声再次响起,大家排好队,成双成对地走下搂梯,进了冷飕飕暗洞洞的教室 Here prayers were read by Miss Miller; afterwards she called out: "Form classes!" 米勒小姐读了祷告,随后便大声唱:"按班级集中!" A great tumult succeeded for some minutes, during which Miss Miller repeatedly exclaimed, "Silence!" and "Order!" 接着引起了一阵几分钟的大骚动,米勒小姐反复叫喊着:"不要作声!""遵守秩序!" When it subsided, I saw them all drawn up in four semicircles, before four chairs, placed at the four tables. 喧闹声平息下来之后,我看到她们排成了四个半园形,站在四把椅子前面。 All held books in their hands, and a great book, like a Bible, lay on each table, before the vacant seat. 每人手里都拿着书,有一本《圣经》模样的大书,搁在空椅子跟前的每张桌子上。 A pause of some seconds succeeded, filled up by the low, vague hum of numbers. 几秒钟肃静之后,响起了低沉而含糊的嗡嗡声。 Miss Miller walked from class to class, hushing this indefinite sound. 米勒小姐从—个班兜到另一个班,把这种模糊的喧声压下去。 A distant bell tinkled. Immediately three ladies entered the room, each walked to a table and took her seat. 远处传来了叮咚的铃声,立刻有三位小姐进了房间,分别走向一张桌子,并在椅子上就座。 Miss Miller assumed the fourth vacant chair, which was that nearest the door, and around which the smallest of the children were assembled. 米勒小姐坐了靠门最近的第四把空椅子,椅子周围是一群年龄最小的孩子。 To this inferior class I was called, and placed at the bottom of it. 我被叫到了这个低级班,安排在末位。 Business now began, the day's Collect was repeated, then certain texts of Scripture were said, 这时,功课开始了。先是反复念诵那天的短祷告、接着读了几篇经文, and to these succeeded a protracted reading of chapters in the Bible, which lasted an hour. 最后是慢声朗读《圣经》的章节,用了一个小时。 By the time that exercise was terminated, day had fully dawned. 这项议程结束时,天色已经大亮。 The indefatigable bell now sounded for the fourth time. 不知疲倦的钟声第四次响起。 The classes were marshalled and marched into another room to breakfast. 各个班级整好队伍,大步走进另一个房间去吃早饭。 How glad I was to behold a prospect of getting something to eat! 想到马上有东西可以裹腹,我是何等高兴啊! I was now nearly sick from inanition, having taken so little the day before. 由于前一天吃得大少,这时我简直饿坏了。 The refectory was a great, low-ceiled, gloomy room. 饭厅是个又低又暗的大房间。 On two long tables smoked basins of something hot, which, however, to my dismay, sent forth an odour far from inviting. 两张长桌上放着两大盆热气腾腾的东西。但令人失望的是,散发出来的气味却并不诱人。 I saw a universal manifestation of discontent when the fumes of the repast met the nostrils of those destined to swallow it. 它一钻进那些非吃不可的人的鼻孔,我便发现她们都露出不满的表情。 From the van of the procession, the tall girls of the first class, rose the whispered words: 站在排头第一班的高个子姑娘们开始窃窃私语: "Disgusting! The porridge is burnt again!" "真讨厌,粥又烧焦了!"