151223 经典文学 《简·爱》第45期

151223 经典文学 《简·爱》第45期

2015-12-23    02'14''

主播: Fred英语笔记

6257 369

"What is it about?" I continued. "它说些什么?"我继续问。 I hardly know where I found the hardihood thus to open a conversation with a stranger. 我自己也不知道哪里来的胆子,居然同一个陌生人说起话来。 The step was contrary to my nature and habits. 这回我的性格与积习相悖。 But I think her occupation touched a chord of sympathy somewhere, 不过她的专注兴许打动了我, for I too liked reading, though of a frivolous and childish kind. 因为我也喜欢读书,尽管是浅薄幼稚的一类。 I could not digest or comprehend the serious or substantial. 对那些主题严肃内存充实的书,我是无法消化或理解的。 "You may look at it," replied the girl, offering me the book. "你可以看一下,"这姑娘回答说,一面把书递给我。 I did so. 我看了看。 经典文学《简·爱》 A brief examination convinced me that the contents were less taking than the title. 我便确信书的内容不像书名那么吸引人。 Rasselas looked dull to my trifling taste. 以我那种琐细的口味来说,"拉塞拉斯"显得很枯燥。 I saw nothing about fairies, nothing about genii. 我看不到仙女,也看不到妖怪。 No bright variety seemed spread over the closely-printed pages. 密密麻麻印着字的书页中,没有鲜艳夺目丰富多彩的东西。 I returned it to her. 我把书递还给她。 She received it quietly, and without saying anything she was about to relapse into her former studious mood. 她默默地收下了,二话没说又要回到刚才苦用功的心境中去。 Again I ventured to disturb her. 我却再次冒昧打扰了她。 "Can you tell me what the writing on that stone over the door means? What is Lowood Institution?" "能告诉我们门上那块石匾上的字是什么意思吗?罗沃德学校是什么?" "This house where you are come to live." "就是你来住宿的这所房子。" "And why do they call it Institution? Is it in any way different from other schools?" "他们为什么叫它‘学校’呢?与别的学校有什么不同吗?" "It is partly a charity-school: you and I, and all the rest of us, are charity-children. "这是个半慈善性质的学校,你我以及所有其他人都是慈善学校的孩子。 I suppose you are an orphan. Are not either your father or your mother dead?" 我猜想你也是个孤儿。你父亲或者母亲去世了吗?" "Both died before I can remember." "我能记事之前就都去世了。" "Well, all the girls here have lost either one or both parents, and this is called an institution for educating orphans." "是呀,这里的姑娘们不是夫去了爹或妈,便是父母都没有了,这儿叫作教育孤儿的学校。" "Do we pay no money? Do they keep us for nothing?" "我们不付钱吗?他们免费护养我们吗?" "We pay, or our friends pay, fifteen pounds a year for each." "我们自己,或者我们的朋友付十五英镑一年。" "Then why do they call us charity-children?" "那他们为什么管我们叫慈善学校的孩子?" "Because fifteen pounds is not enough for board and teaching, and the deficiency is supplied by subscription." "因为十五英镑不够付住宿货和学费,缺额由捐款来补足。" "Who subscribes?" "谁捐呢?" "Different benevolent-minded ladies and gentlemen in this neighbourhood and in London." "这里附近或者伦敦心肠慈善的太太们和绅士们。" "Who was Naomi Brocklehurst?" "内奥米·布罗克赫斯特是谁?" "The lady who built the new part of this house as that tablet records, and whose son overlooks and directs everything here." "就像匾上写着的那样,是建造大楼新区部份的太太,她的儿子监督和指挥这里的一切。" "Why?" "为什么?" "Because he is treasurer and manager of the establishment." "因为他是这个学校的司库和管事。"