160330 经典文学《简·爱》第67期

160330 经典文学《简·爱》第67期

2016-03-30    01'20''

主播: Fred英语笔记

11239 428

Ere the half-hour ended, five o'clock struck; 半个小时不到,钟就敲响了五点。 School was dismissed, and all were gone into the refectory to tea. 散课了,大家都进饭厅去吃茶点。 I now ventured to descend. 我这才大着胆走下凳子。 It was deep dusk. I retired into a corner and sat down on the floor. 这时暮色正浓,我躲进一个角落,在地板上坐了下来。 The spell by which I had been so far supported began to dissolve. Reaction took place, 一直支撑着我的魔力消失了,被不良反应所取代。 And soon, so overwhelming was the grief that seized me, I sank prostrate with my face to the ground. 我伤心不已,脸朝下扑倒在地, Now I wept. 嚎啕大哭起来。 Helen Burns was not here. Nothing sustained me. 海伦·彭斯不在,没有东西支撑我。 Left to myself I abandoned myself, and my tears watered the boards. 孤身独处,我难以自制,眼泪洒到了地板上。 I had meant to be so good, and to do so much at Lowood, to make so many friends, to earn respect and win affection. 我曾打算在罗沃德表现那么出色,做那么多事情,交那么多朋友,博得别人的尊敬,赢得大家的爱护。 Already I had made visible progress. 而且已经取得了明显的进步。 That very morning I had reached the head of my class. 就在那天早上,我在班上己经名列前矛。 Miss Miller had praised me warmly. 米勒小姐热情夸奖我。 Miss Temple had smiled approbation. 坦普尔小姐微笑着表示赞许。 She had promised to teach me drawing, and to let me learn French, if I continued to make similar improvement two months longer. 她还答应教我绘画,让我学法文、只要我在两个月之内继续取得同样的进步, And then I was well received by my fellow-pupils; treated as an equal by those of my own age, and not molested by any; 此外,我也深受同学们的欢迎,同我年龄相仿的人也对我平等相待,我已不再受人欺悔。 Now, here I lay again crushed and trodden on, and could I ever rise more? 然而此刻,我又被打倒在地,遭人践踏。我还有翻身之日吗? "Never," I thought, and ardently I wished to die. “永远没有了,”我想,满心希望自己死掉。