

2016-04-07    02'44''

主播: Fred英语笔记

5403 382

I was silent. 我默不作声。 Helen had calmed me; but in the tranquillity she imparted there was an alloy of inexpressible sadness. 海伦已经使我平静下来了,但在她所传递的宁静里,混杂着一种难以言传的悲哀。 I felt the impression of woe as she spoke, but I could not tell whence it came. 她说话时我感受到了这种悲哀,但不知道它从何而来。 And when, having done speaking, she breathed a little fast and coughed a short cough, 话一讲完,她开始有点气急,短短地咳了几声, I momentarily forgot my own sorrows to yield to a vague concern for her. 我立刻忘掉了自己的苦恼,隐隐约约地为她担起心来。 Resting my head on Helen's shoulder, I put my arms round her waist. 我把头靠在海伦的肩上,双手抱住了她的腰。 She drew me to her, and we reposed in silence. 她紧紧搂住我,两人默默地偎依着。 We had not sat long thus, when another person came in. 我们没坐多久,另外一个人进来了。 Some heavy clouds, swept from the sky by a rising wind, had left the moon bare. 这时,一阵刚起的风,吹开了沉重的云块,露出了月亮。 And her light, streaming in through a window near, shone full both on us and on the approaching figure, 月光泻进近旁的窗户,清晰地照亮了我们两人和那个走近的身影, which we at once recognised as Miss Temple. 我们立刻认出来,那是坦普尔小姐。 "I came on purpose to find you, Jane Eyre," said she. “我是特地来找你的,简.爱,”她说。 I want you in my room, and as Helen Burns is with you, she may come too. 我要你到我房间里去,既然海伦.彭斯也在,那她也一起来吧。 We went. 我们去了。 Following the superintendent's guidance, we had to thread some intricate passages, 在这位校长的带领下,我们穿过了一条条复杂的过道, and mount a staircase before we reached her apartment. 登上一座楼梯,才到她的寓所。 It contained a good fire, and looked cheerful. 房间里炉火正旺,显得很惬意。 Miss Temple told Helen Burns to be seated in a low arm-chair on one side of the hearth, 坦普尔小姐叫海伦.彭斯坐在火炉一边的低靠手椅里, and herself taking another, she called me to her side. 她自己在另一条靠手椅上坐下,把我叫到她身边。 "Is it all over?" she asked, looking down at my face. "Have you cried your grief away?" “全都过去了吗?”她俯身瞧着我的脸问。“把伤心都哭光了?” I am afraid I never shall do that. 恐怕我永远做不到。 Why? 为什么? Because I have been wrongly accused, and you, ma' am, and everybody else, will now think me wicked. 因为我被冤枉了,小姐,你,还有所有其他人,都会认为我很坏。 We shall think you what you prove yourself to be, my child. 孩子,我们会根据你的表现来看待你的。 Continue to act as a good girl, and you will satisfy us. 继续做个好姑娘,你会使我满意的。 Shall I, Miss Temple? 我会吗,坦普尔小姐? "You will," said she, passing her arm round me. “你会的,”她说着用胳膊搂住我。 And now tell me who is the lady whom Mr. Brocklehurst called your benefactress? 现在你告诉我,被布罗克赫斯特称为你的恩人的那位太太是谁? Mrs. Reed, my uncle's wife. My uncle is dead, and he left me to her care. 里德太太,我舅舅的妻子。我舅舅去世了,他把我交给她照顾。 Did she not, then, adopt you of her own accord? 那她不是自己主动要抚养你了? No, ma' am. 不是,小姐。 She was sorry to have to do it. 她感到很遗憾,不得不抚养我。 but my uncle, as I have often heard the servants say, got her to promise before he died that she would always keep me. 但我常听仆人们说,我舅舅临终前要她答应,永远抚养我。 Well now, Jane, you know, or at least I will tell you, that when a criminal is accused, he is always allowed to speak in his own defence. 好吧,简,你知道,或者至少我要让你知道,罪犯在被起诉时,往往允许为自己辩护。 You have been charged with falsehood. Defend yourself to me as well as you can. 你被指责为说谎,那你就在我面前尽力为自己辩护吧。 Say whatever your memory suggests is true, but add nothing and exaggerate nothing. 凡是你记得的事实你都说,可别加油添醋,夸大其词。