160409 经典文学《简·爱》第71期

160409 经典文学《简·爱》第71期

2016-04-09    02'48''

主播: Fred英语笔记

9187 421

I resolved, in the depth of my heart, that I would be most moderate — most correct. 我暗下决心,要把话说得恰如其分,准确无误。 And, having reflected a few minutes in order to arrange coherently what I had to say, I told her all the story of my sad childhood. 我思考了几分钟,把该说的话理出了个头绪,便一五一十地向她诉说了我悲苦的童年。 Exhausted by emotion, my language was more subdued than it generally was when it developed that sad theme. 我己激动得精疲力尽,所以谈到这个伤心的话题时,说话比平时要克制。 And mindful of Helen's warnings against the indulgence of resentment, I infused into the narrative far less of gall and wormwood than ordinary. 我还记住了海伦的告诫,不一味沉溺于怨词,叙述时所掺杂的刻薄与恼恨比往日少得多。 Thus restrained and simplified, it sounded more credible. 而且态度收敛,内容简明,听来更加可信。 I felt as I went on that Miss Temple fully believed me. 我觉得,我往下说时,坦普尔小姐完全相信我的话。 In the course of the tale I had mentioned Mr. Lloyd as having come to see me after the fit. 我在叙述自己的经历时,还提到了劳埃德先生,说他在我昏厥后来看过我。 For I never forgot the, to me, frightful episode of the red-room. 我永远忘不了可怕的红房子事件。 In detailing which, my excitement was sure, in some degree, to break bounds. 有详细诉说时,我的情绪有点失态。 For nothing could soften in my recollection the spasm of agony which clutched my heart when Mrs. Reed spurned my wild supplication for pardon, 因为当里德太太断然拒绝我发疯似的求饶,把我第二次关进黑洞洞闹鬼的房子时, and locked me a second time in the dark and haunted chamber. 那种阵阵揪心的痛苦,在记忆中是什么也抚慰不了的。 I had finished. 我讲完了。 Miss Temple regarded me a few minutes in silence. 坦普尔小姐默默地看了我几分钟。 She then said: "I know something of Mr. Lloyd. I shall write to him." 她随后说:“劳埃德先生我有些认识,我会写信给他的。” If his reply agrees with your statement, you shall be publicly cleared from every imputation. 要是他的答复同你说的相符,我们会公开澄清对你的诋毁。 To me, Jane, you are clear now. 对我来说,简,现在你已经清白了。 She kissed me, and still keeping me at her side, 她吻了吻我,仍旧让我呆在她身边, where I was well contented to stand, for I derived a child's pleasure from the contemplation of her face, her dress, 我很乐意站在那里,因为我端详着她的面容、她的装束、 her one or two ornaments, her white forehead, her clustered and shining curls, and beaming dark eyes. 她的一、二件饰品、她那白皙的额头、她那一团团闪光的卷发和乌黑发亮的眼睛时,得到了一种孩子般的喜悦。 She proceeded to address Helen Burns. 她开始同海伦.彭斯说话了。 How are you tonight, Helen? Have you coughed much today? 今晚你感觉怎么样,海伦?你今天咳得厉害吗? Not quite so much, I think, ma' am. 我想不太厉害,小姐。 And the pain in your chest? 胸部的疼痛呢? It is a little better. 好一点了。 Miss Temple got up, took her hand and examined her pulse; then she returned to her own seat. 坦普尔小姐站起来,拉过她的手,按了按脉搏,随后回到了自己的座位上。 As she resumed it, I heard her sigh low. 坐定以后,我听她轻声叹了口气。 She was pensive a few minutes, then rousing herself, she said cheerfully: "But you two are my visitors tonight; 她沉思了一会,随后回过神来,高兴地说:“不过今晚你们俩是我的客人,” I must treat you as such. She rang her bell. 我必须按客人相待,她按了下铃。 "Barbara," she said to the servant who answered it, "I have not yet had tea. Bring the tray and place cups for these two young ladies." “巴巴拉,”她对应召而来的佣人说,“我还没有用茶呢,你把盘子端来,给两位小姐也放上杯子。” And a tray was soon brought. 盘子很快就端来了。 How pretty, to my eyes, did the china cups and bright teapot look, placed on the little round table near the fire! 在我的目光中,这些放在火炉旁小园桌上的瓷杯和亮晃晃的茶壶多么漂亮! How fragrant was the steam of the beverage, and the scent of the toast! 那饮料的热气和烤面包的味儿多香! Of which, however, I, to my dismay (for I was beginning to be hungry) discerned only a very small portion. 但使我失望的是(因为我已开始觉得饿了),我发现那份儿很小, Miss Temple discerned it too. 坦普尔小姐也同样注意到了。