160510 经典文学《简·爱》第77期

160510 经典文学《简·爱》第77期

2016-05-10    02'04''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4956 365

While disease had thus become an inhabitant of Lowood, and death its frequent visitor. 就这样,疾病在罗沃德安了家,死亡成了这里的常客。 While there was gloom and fear within its walls. 围墙之内笼罩着阴郁和恐怖。 While its rooms and passages steamed with hospital smells, the drug and the pastille striving vainly to overcome the effluvia of mortality, 房间里和过道上散发着医院的气味,香锭徒劳地挣扎着要镇住死亡的恶臭。 that bright May shone unclouded over the bold hills and beautiful woodland out of doors. 与此同时,五月的明媚阳光从万里无云的天空,洒向陡峭的小山和美丽的林地。 Its garden, too, glowed with flowers: 罗沃德的花园花儿盛开,灿烂夺目。 Hollyhocks had sprung up tall as trees, lilies had opened, tulips and roses were in bloom; 一丈红拔地而起,高大如林,百合花已开,郁金香和玫瑰争妍斗艳。 The borders of the little beds were gay with pink thrift and crimson double daisies; 粉红色的海石竹和深红的双瓣雏菊,把小小花坛的边缘装扮得十分鲜艳。 The sweetbriars gave out, morning and evening, their scent of spice and apples; 香甜的欧石南,在清晨和夜间散发着香料和苹果的气味。 And these fragrant treasures were all useless for most of the inmates of Lowood, 但这些香气扑鼻的宝贝, except to furnish now and then a handful of herbs and blossoms to put in a coffin. 除了时时提供一捧香草和鲜花放进棺材里,对罗沃德的人来说已毫无用处。 经典文学《简·爱》 But I, and the rest who continued well, enjoyed fully the beauties of the scene and season. 不过我与其余仍然健康的人,充分享受着这景色和季节的美妙动人之处。 They let us ramble in the wood, like gipsies, from morning till night. 他们让我们像吉卜赛人一样,从早到晚在林中游荡。 We did what we liked, went where we liked: we lived better too. 爱干什么就干什么,爱上哪里就上哪里。我们的生活也有所改善。 Mr. Brocklehurst and his family never came near Lowood now. 布罗克赫斯特先生和他的家人现在已从不靠近罗沃德。 Household matters were not scrutinised into; the cross housekeeper was gone, driven away by the fear of infection; 家常事也无人来有问,啤气急躁的管家己逃之夭夭,生怕受到传染。 Her successor, who had been matron at the Lowton Dispensary, unused to the ways of her new abode, provided with comparative liberality. 她的后任原本是洛顿诊所的护士长,并未习惯于新地方的规矩,因此给得比较大方。 Besides, there were fewer to feed. The sick could eat little. 此外,用饭的人少了,病人又吃得不多。 Our breakfast-basins were better filled. 于是我们早饭碗里的东西也就多了一些。 When there was no time to prepare a regular dinner, which often happened, she would give us a large piece of cold pie, or a thick slice of bread and cheese, 新管家常常没有时间准备正餐,干脆就给我们一个大冷饼,或者一厚片面包和乳酪, and this we carried away with us to the wood, where we each chose the spot we liked best, and dined sumptuously. 我们会把这些东西随身带到树林里,各人找个喜欢的地方,来享受一顿盛宴。 My favourite seat was a smooth and broad stone, 我最喜欢坐在一块光滑的大石头上。 rising white and dry from the very middle of the beck, and only to be got at by wading through the water. 这块石头儿立在小溪正中,又白又干燥,要淌水过河才到得那里。 A feat I accomplished barefoot. 我每每赤了脚来完成这一壮举。 The stone was just broad enough to accommodate, comfortably, another girl and me, 这块石头正好够舒舒服服地坐上两个人,我和另一位姑娘。 At that time my chosen comrade - one Mary Ann Wilson. 她是我当时选中的伙伴,名叫玛丽.安.威尔逊