160531 经典文学《简·爱》第85期

160531 经典文学《简·爱》第85期

2016-05-31    02'39''

主播: Fred英语笔记

9729 374

Miss Temple, through all changes, had thus far continued superintendent of the seminary. 坦普尔小姐历经种种变迁,一直担任着校长的职位。 To her instruction I owed the best part of my acquirements. 我所取得的最好成绩归功于她的教诲。 Her friendship and society had been my continual solace. 同她的友谊和交往始终是对我的慰藉。 She had stood me in the stead of mother, governess, and, latterly, companion. 她担当了我的母亲和家庭教师的角色,后来成了我的伙伴。 At this period she married, removed with her husband (a clergyman, an excellent man, almost worthy of such a wife) 这时候,她结了婚,随她的丈夫(一位牧师、一个出色的男人,几乎与这样一位妻子相般配) to a distant county, and consequently was lost to me. 迁往一个遥远的郡,结果同我失去了联系。 From the day she left I was no longer the same. 打从她离开的那天起,我已不再同原来一样了。 With her was gone every settled feeling, every association that had made Lowood in some degree a home to me. 她一走,那种己经确立了的使罗沃德有几分像家的感情和联系,都随之消失。 I had imbibed from her something of her nature and much of her habits. 我从她那儿吸收了某些个性和很多习惯。 经典文学《简·爱》 More harmonious thoughts. What seemed better regulated feelings had become the inmates of my mind. 比较和谐的思想,比较有节制的感情,已经在我的头脑里生根。 I had given in allegiance to duty and order. 我决意忠于职守,服从命令。 I was quiet. I believed I was content. 我很文静,相信自己十分满足。 To the eyes of others, usually even to my own, I appeared a disciplined and subdued character. 在别人的眼中,甚至在我自己看来,我似乎是一位懂规矩守本份的人。 But destiny, in the shape of the Rev. Mr. Nasmyth, came between me and Miss Temple. 但是命运化作牧师内史密斯把我和坦普尔小组分开了。 I saw her in her travelling dress step into a post-chaise, shortly after the marriage ceremony. 我见她身着行装在婚礼后不久跨进一辆驿站马车。 I watched the chaise mount the hill and disappear beyond its brow, 我凝视着马车爬上小山,消失在陡坡后面。 and then retired to my own room, 随后我回到了自己的房间, and there spent in solitude the greatest part of the half-holiday granted in honour of the occasion. 在孤寂中度过了为庆祝这一时刻而放的半假日的绝大部分时间。 I walked about the chamber most of the time. 大部分时候我在房间里踯躅。 I imagined myself only to be regretting my loss, and thinking how to repair it. 我本以为自己只对损失感到遗憾,并考虑如何加以补救。 But when my reflections were concluded, and I looked up and found that the afternoon was gone, 但当我结束了思考,抬头看到下午已经逝去, and evening far advanced, another discovery dawned on me, namely, that in the interval I had undergone a transforming process. 夜色正浓时,蓦地我有了新的发现。那就是在这一间隙,我经历了一个变化的过程。 That my mind had put off all it had borrowed of Miss Temple, 我的心灵丢弃了我从坦普尔小姐那儿学来的东西, or rather that she had taken with her the serene atmosphere I had been breathing in her vicinity, 或者不如说她带走了我在她身边所感受到的宁静气息, and that now I was left in my natural element, and beginning to feel the stirring of old emotions. 现在我又恢复了自己的天性,感到原有的情绪开始萌动了。 It did not seem as if a prop were withdrawn, but rather as if a motive were gone. 我并不是失去了支柱,而是失去了动机。 It was not the power to be tranquil which had failed me, but the reason for tranquillity was no more. 并不是无力保持平静,而是需要保持平静的理由己不复存在。 My world had for some years been in Lowood. 几年来,我的世界就在罗沃德。 My experience had been of its rules and systems. 我的经历就是学校的规章制度。 Now I remembered that the real world was wide, and that a varied field of hopes and fears, of sensations and excitements, 而现在我记起来了,真正的世界无限广阔,一个变满着希望与忧烦, awaited those who had courage to go forth into its expanse, to seek real knowledge of life amidst its perils. 刺激与兴奋的天地等待着那些有胆识的人,去冒各种风险,追求人生的真谛。