160630 经典文学《简·爱》 第95期

160630 经典文学《简·爱》 第95期

2016-06-30    02'27''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4724 338

He vanished, but reappeared instantly: "Is your name Eyre, Miss?" 他走了,但立刻又回来了:“你的名字叫爱吗,小姐?" Yes. 是的。 Person here waiting for you. 这儿有人在等你。 I jumped up, took my muff and umbrella, and hastened into the inn-passage. 我跳了起来,拿了皮手筒和伞急忙踏进旅店过道。 A man was standing by the open door, and in the lamp-lit street I dimly saw a one-horse conveyance. 敞开着的门边,一个男人在等候着,在点着路灯的街上,我依稀看到了一辆马车。 "This will be your luggage, I suppose?" said the man rather abruptly when he saw me, pointing to my trunk in the passage. “我想这就是你的行李了?”这人见了我,指着过道上我的箱子唐突地说。” "Yes." He hoisted it on to the vehicle, which was a sort of car, and then I got in. “是的,”他把箱子举起来放到了车上,那是一辆马车。随后我坐了进去。 Before he shut me up, I asked him how far it was to Thornfield. 不等他关门就问到桑菲尔德有多远。 A matter of six miles. 六英里左右。 How long shall we be before we get there? 我们要多久才到得了那里? Happen an hour and a half. 大概一个半小时。 经典文学《简·爱》 He fastened the car door, climbed to his own seat outside, and we set off. 他关了车门,爬到车外自己的位置上,我们便上路了。 Our progress was leisurely, and gave me ample time to reflect. 马车款款向前,使我有充裕的时间来思考。 I was content to be at length so near the end of my journey. 我很高兴终于接近了旅程的终点。 And as I leaned back in the comfortable though not elegant conveyance, I meditated much at my ease. 身子靠在虽不精致却很舒适的马车上,一时浮想联翩。 "I suppose," thought I, judging from the plainness of the servant and carriage, Mrs. Fairfax is not a very dashing person. “我估计,”我想道,从朴实的仆人和马车来判断,费尔法克斯太太不是一个衣着华丽的女人, So much the better. 这样倒更好。 I never lived amongst fine people but once, and I was very miserable with them. 我跟上等人只生活过一回,同他们相处真是受罪。 I wonder if she lives alone except this little girl; 不知道除了那位站娘之外,她是不是一个人过日子。 If so, and if she is in any degree amiable, I shall surely be able to get on with her. 如果是这样,而且她还算得上有点和气,我肯定能同她好好相处。 I will do my best. 我会尽力而为。 It is a pity that doing one's best does not always answer. 可惜竭尽全力并不总能得到好报。 At Lowood, indeed, I took that resolution, kept it, and succeeded in pleasing. 其实在罗沃德,我打定了主意,并坚持不懈地去实行,而且也赢得了别人的好感。 But with Mrs. Reed, I remember my best was always spurned with scorn. 但与里德太太相处,我记得我的好心总遭到鄙弃。 I pray God Mrs. Fairfax may not turn out a second Mrs. Reed. 我祈求上帝,但愿费尔法克斯太太不要到头来成了第二个里德太太。 But if she does, I am not bound to stay with her! 可要是她果真如此,我也并不是非与她相处下去不可。 Let the worst come to the worst, I can advertise again. 就是发生了最坏的情况,我还可以再登广告。 How far are we on our road now, I wonder? 不知道我们现在已走了多远了?” I let down the window and looked out. 我放下窗子,往外盼望。 Millcote was behind us. 米尔科特已落在我们身后。 Judging by the number of its lights, it seemed a place of considerable magnitude, much larger than Lowton. 从灯光的数量来看,这似乎是一个相当大的城市,比洛顿要大得多。 We were now, as far as I could see, on a sort of common; but there were houses scattered all over the district. 就我所知,我们此刻像是在一块公地上,不过屋宇遍布整个地区。 I felt we were in a different region to Lowood, more populous, less picturesque; more stirring, less romantic. 我觉得我们所在的地区与罗沃德不同。人口更为稠密,却并不那么景色如画;更加熙熙攘攘,却不那么浪漫。