160702 经典文学《简·爱》 第96期

160702 经典文学《简·爱》 第96期

2016-07-02    02'58''

主播: Fred英语笔记

6068 383

The roads were heavy, the night misty. 道路难行,夜雾沉沉。 My conductor let his horse walk all the way, and the hour and a half extended, I verily believe, to two hours. 我的向导让马一路溜达,我确信这一个半小时延长到了两个小时。 At last he turned in his seat and said: "You're noan so far fro' Thornfield now." 最后他在车座上转过头来说:“现在你离桑菲尔德不远了” Again I looked out: we were passing a church. 我再次往外眺望。我们正经过一个教堂。 I saw its low broad tower against the sky, and its bell was tolling a quarter. 我看见低矮、宽阔的塔映着天空,教堂的钟声正敲响一刻。 I saw a narrow galaxy of lights too, on a hillside, marking a village or hamlet. 我还看到山边一狭长条耀眼的灯光,标明那是一个乡村,或者没有教堂的庄子。 About ten minutes after, the driver got down and opened a pair of gates. 大约十分钟后,马车夫跳了下来,打开两扇大门。 We passed through, and they clashed to behind us. 我们穿了过去,门在我们身后砰地关上了。 We now slowly ascended a drive, and came upon the long front of a house. 这会儿我们慢悠悠地登上了一条小道,来到一幢房子宽阔的正门前。 Candlelight gleamed from one curtained bow-window. All the rest were dark. 一扇遮着窗帘的圆肚窗,闪烁着烛光,其余一片漆黑。 经典文学《简·爱》 The car stopped at the front door. It was opened by a maid-servant. I alighted and went in. 马车停在前门,一个女佣开了门,我下车走进门去。 "Will you walk this way, ma' am?" said the girl. “请从这边走,小姐,”这姑娘说。 And I followed her across a square hall with high doors all round. 我跟着她穿过一个四周全是高大的门的方形大厅, She ushered me into a room whose double illumination of fire and candle at first dazzled me, 她领我进了一个房间,里面明亮的炉火与烛光, contrasting as it did with the darkness to which my eyes had been for two hours inured. 同我已经习惯了两小时的黑暗恰成对比,起初弄得我眼花缭乱。 When I could see, however, a cosy and agreeable picture presented itself to my view. 然而等我定下神来,眼前便出现了一个惬意和谐的画面。 A snug small room, a round table by a cheerful fire; 这是一个舒适的小房间,温暖的炉火旁摆着一张圆桌。 An arm-chair high-backed and old-fashioned, wherein sat the neatest imaginable little elderly lady, 一条老式高背安乐椅上,坐着一位整洁不过的矮小老妇人, in widow's cap, black silk gown, and snowy muslin apron. 头戴寡妇帽,身穿黑色丝绸长袍,还围着雪白的平纹细布围裙。 Exactly like what I had fancied Mrs. Fairfax, only less stately and milder looking. 跟我想象中的费尔法克斯太太一模一样,只是不那么威严,却显得更加和蔼罢了。 She was occupied in knitting. 她正忙着编织。 A large cat sat demurely at her feet. 一只硕大的猫娴静地蹲在她脚边。 Nothing in short was wanting to complete the beau-ideal of domestic comfort. 作为一幅理想的家庭闲适图,它真是完美无缺了。 A more reassuring introduction for a new governess could scarcely be conceived. 对一个新到的家庭女教师来说,也很难设想有比这更让人放心的初次见面的情景了。 There was no grandeur to overwhelm, no stateliness to embarrass. 没有那种咄咄逼人的豪华,也没有今人难堪的庄严。 And then, as I entered, the old lady got up and promptly and kindly came forward to meet me. 我一进门,那老妇人便站了起来,立刻客客气气地上前来迎接我。 How do you do, my dear? 你好,亲爱的? I am afraid you have had a tedious ride. 恐怕一路坐车很乏味吧。 John drives so slowly. 约翰驾车又那么慢。 You must be cold, come to the fire. 你一定怪冷的,到火炉边来吧。 "Mrs. Fairfax, I suppose?" said I. “我想你就是费尔法克斯太太了?”我说。 Yes, you are right. Do sit down. 是呀,你说得对,请坐吧。 She conducted me to her own chair, and then began to remove my shawl and untie my bonnet-strings. 她把我领到她自己的椅子上坐下,随后动手取下我的披巾,解开我的帽带。 I begged she would not give herself so much trouble. 我请她不用如此麻烦了。 Oh, it is no trouble; 啊,一点也不麻烦。 I dare say your own hands are almost numbed with cold. 你的手恐怕差点儿冻僵了吧。 Leah, make a little hot negus and cut a sandwich or two. 莉娅,调点儿尼格斯酒,切一两片三明治。 Here are the keys of the storeroom. 储藏室的钥匙在这儿。 And she produced from her pocket a most housewifely bunch of keys, and delivered them to the servant. 她从口袋里掏出一串井然有序的钥匙,把它递给了仆人。 "Now, then, draw nearer to the fire," she continued. “好啦,靠近火炉些吧,”她继续说。 You've brought your luggage with you, haven't you, my dear? 你已经把行李带来了是吗,亲爱的? Yes, ma' am. 是的,夫人。