161205  经典文学《简·爱》第105期

161205 经典文学《简·爱》第105期

2016-12-05    02'06''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2233 193

微信公众号:英语听力123 主播微博:@孙梓晋的微博 "What a beautiful room!" I exclaimed, as I looked round, for I had never before seen any half so imposing. “多漂亮的房间!”我朝四周看了看,不觉惊叫起来,我从未见过什么房间有它一半那么气派的。 Yes, this is the dining-room. 是呀,这是餐室。 I have just opened the window, to let in a little air and sunshine, 我刚开了窗,让它进来一点新鲜空气和阳光, for everything gets so damp in apartments that are seldom inhabited. The drawing-room yonder feels like a vault. 这些房间难得有人住,所以什么都是潮腻腻的,那边的客厅简直像墓穴。 She pointed to a wide arch corresponding to the window, and hung like it with a Tyrian-dyed curtain, now looped up. 她指了指跟那窗子相对应的一扇又宽又大的拱门,一样也挂着红紫色的帘子,此刻往上卷着。 Mounting to it by two broad steps, and looking through, 我跨过两步宽阔的台阶,登上拱门,往里面瞅着。 经典文学《简·爱》 I thought I caught a glimpse of a fairy place, so bright to my novice-eyes appeared the view beyond. 我以为自己看见了一个仙境,那景象使我这个刚踏上世途的人顿时眼目清亮。 Yet it was merely a very pretty drawing-room, and within it a boudoir, 但它不过是一个漂亮的客厅和里面成套的一间闺房。 both spread with white carpets, on which seemed laid brilliant garlands of flowers. 两间房子都铺着白色的地毯,地毯上仿佛摆着鲜艳夺目的花环。 Both ceiled with snowy mouldings of white grapes and vine-leaves, 天花板上都浇铸着雪白的葡萄和葡萄叶子。 beneath which glowed in rich contrast crimson couches and ottomans. 与它恰成对比的是,天花板下闪烁着绯红的睡椅和床榻。 While the ornaments on the pale Parisian mantelpiece were of sparkling Bohemian glass, ruby red. 灰白色的帕罗斯岛大理石壁炉架上,摆着波希米亚闪光玻璃装饰物,像红宝石一般火红。 And between the windows large mirrors repeated the general blending of snow and fire. 窗户之间的大镜子,也映照出大体红白相间的色调。 "In what order you keep these rooms, Mrs. Fairfax!" said I. “这些房间收拾得多整齐呀,费尔法克斯太太!”我说。 No dust, no canvas coverings, except that the air feels chilly, one would think they were inhabited daily. 没有帆布罩子,却能做到纤尘不染,要不是空气冷飕飕的,人家准以为天天住着人呢。 Why, Miss Eyre, though Mr. Rochester's visits here are rare, they are always sudden and unexpected. 唉,爱小姐,尽管罗切斯特先生很少上这儿来,但要来就往往很突然,料也料不到。 And as I observed that it put him out to find everything swathed up, 我发现他最讨厌看到什么都裹得严严实实的, and to have a bustle of arrangement on his arrival, I thought it best to keep the rooms in readiness. 他到了才开始手忙脚乱地张罗,所以我想还是把房间准备停当好。 Is Mr. Rochester an exacting, fastidious sort of man? 罗切斯特先生是那种爱挑剔、难讨好的人吗? Not particularly so, but he has a gentleman's tastes and habits, 不完全是这样。不过他具有上等人的趣味与习惯, and he expects to have things managed in conformity to them. 希望按他的趣味和习惯办事。 Do you like him? Is he generally liked? 你喜欢他吗?大家都喜欢他吗? Oh, yes. The family have always been respected here. 啊,是的。这个家族在这儿一向受人尊敬。 Almost all the land in this neighbourhood, 很久很久以前, as far as you can see, has belonged to the Rochesters time out of mind. 凡是你望得见的附近的土地,几乎都属于罗切斯特家的。 来源:可可英语