161219 经典文学《简·爱》第117期

161219 经典文学《简·爱》第117期

2016-12-19    02'43''

主播: Fred英语笔记

1901 148

微信公众号:英语听力123 主播微博:@孙梓晋的微博 Can you tell me where he is? 能告诉我他在哪里吗? I cannot. 我不知道。 You are not a servant at the hall, of course. 当然你不是府上的佣人了? You are... He stopped, ran his eye over my dress, which, as usual, was quite simple. A black merino cloak, a black beaver bonnet. 你是...他打住了,目光掠过我照例十分朴实的衣服,我披着黑色美利奴羊毛斗篷,戴着顶黑水獭皮帽。 Neither of them half fine enough for a lady's-maid. 这两件东西远远没有太太的佣人衣服那么讲究。 He seemed puzzled to decide what I was. I helped him. 他似乎难以判断我的身份,我帮了他。 I am the governess. 我是家庭教师。 Ah, the governess!" he repeated; "deuce take me, if I had not forgotten! The governess! 啊,家庭教师!"他重复了一下,"见鬼,我竟把这也忘了!家庭教师! And again my raiment underwent scrutiny. 我的服饰再次成了他审视的对象。 经典文学《简·爱》 In two minutes he rose from the stile. 过了两分钟,他从台阶上站起来。 His face expressed pain when he tried to move. 刚一挪动,脸上就露出了痛苦的表情。 "I cannot commission you to fetch help," he said; "but you may help me a little yourself, if you will be so kind." "我不能托你找人帮忙,"他说,"不过要是你愿意,你本人倒可以帮我一点忙。" Yes, sir. 好的,先生。 You have not an umbrella that I can use as a stick? 你有没有伞,可以让我当拐杖用? No. 没有。 Try to get hold of my horse's bridle and lead him to me. You are not afraid? 想办法抓住马笼头,把马牵到我这里来,你不害怕吗? I should have been afraid to touch a horse when alone, but when told to do it, I was disposed to obey. 我一个人是准不敢去碰一匹马的,但既然他吩咐我去干,我也就乐意服从了, I put down my muff on the stile, and went up to the tall steed. 我把皮手筒放在台阶上,向那匹高高的骏马走去。 I endeavoured to catch the bridle, but it was a spirited thing, and would not let me come near its head. 我竭力想抓住马笼头,但这匹马性子很烈,不让我靠近它头部。 I made effort on effort, though in vain. 我试了又试、却都劳而无功。 Meantime, I was mortally afraid of its trampling fore-feet. 我还很怕被它的前腿踩着。 The traveller waited and watched for some time, and at last he laughed. 这位赶路人等待并观察了片刻,最后终于笑了起来。 "I see," he said, "the mountain will never be brought to Mahomet, "我明白,"他说,"山是永远搬不到穆罕默德这边来的, so all you can do is to aid Mahomet to go to the mountain. I must beg of you to come here." 因此你所能做到的,是帮助穆罕默德走到山那边去,我得请你到这儿来。" I came. 我走了过去。 "Excuse me," he continued: "necessity compels me to make you useful." "对不起,"他继续说,"出于需要,我不得不请你帮忙了。" He laid a heavy hand on my shoulder, and leaning on me with some stress, limped to his horse. 他把一只沉重的手搭在我肩上,吃力地倚着我,一瘸一瘸朝他的马走去。 Having once caught the bridle, he mastered it directly and sprang to his saddle; 他一抓住笼头,就立刻使马服服贴贴,随后跳上马鞍。 Grimacing grimly as he made the effort, for it wrenched his sprain. 因为搓了一下扭伤的部位,一用力便露出了痛苦的表情。 "Now," said he, releasing his under lip from a hard bite, "just hand me my whip; it lies there under the hedge." "好啦,"他说,放松了紧咬着的下唇,"把马鞭递给我就行啦,在树篱下面。" I sought it and found it. 我找了一下,把马鞭找到了。 Thank you. Now make haste with the letter to Hay, and return as fast as you can. 谢谢你,现在你快去海村寄信罢,快去快回。 A touch of a spurred heel made his horse first start and rear, and then bound away. 他把带马刺的后跟一叩,那马先是一惊,后腿跃起,随后便疾驰而去。 The dog rushed in his traces. 那条狗窜上去紧追不舍。 All three vanished, like heath that, in the wilderness, the wild wind whirls away. 刹那之间,三者便无影无踪,像荒野中的石楠被一阵狂风卷走。 来源:可可英语