170105 经典文学《简·爱》第132期

170105 经典文学《简·爱》第132期

2017-01-05    02'17''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2951 160

We were, as I have said, in the dining-room. 我已作了交代,我们在餐室里。 The lustre, which had been lit for dinner, filled the room with a festal breadth of light. 为晚餐而点上的枝形吊灯,使整个房间如节日般大放光明。 The large fire was all red and clear; 熊熊炉火通红透亮。 The purple curtains hung rich and ample before the lofty window and loftier arch. 高大的窗子和更高大的拱门前悬挂着华贵而宽敞的紫色帷幔。 Everything was still, save the subdued chat of Adèle (she dared not speak loud), 除了阿黛勒压着嗓门的交谈(她不敢高声说话), and, filling up each pause, the beating of winter rain against the panes. 以及谈话停顿间隙响起了敲窗的冷雨,一切都寂静无声。 Mr. Rochester, as he sat in his damask-covered chair, 罗切斯特先生坐在锦缎面椅子上, looked different to what I had seen him look before; not quite so stern — much less gloomy. 显得同我以前看到的大不相同,不那么严厉,更不那么阴沉。 There was a smile on his lips, and his eyes sparkled, 他嘴上浮着笑容,眼睛闪闪发光, whether with wine or not, I am not sure, but I think it very probable. 是不是因为喝了酒的缘故,我不敢肯定,不过很可能如此。 He was, in short, in his after-dinner mood; more expanded and genial, 总之,他正在饭后的兴头上,更加健谈,更加亲切, and also more self-indulgent than the frigid and rigid temper of the morning. 比之早上冷淡僵硬的脾性,显得更为放纵。 Still he looked preciously grim, cushioning his massive head against the swelling back of his chair, 不过他看上去依然十分严厉。他那硕大的脑袋靠在椅子隆起的靠背上, 经典文学《简·爱》 and receiving the light of the fire on his granite-hewn features, and in his great, dark eyes. 炉火的光照在他犹如花岗岩镌刻出来的面容上,照进他又大又黑的眸子里。 For he had great, dark eyes, and very fine eyes, too 因为他有着一双乌黑的大眼睛,而且很漂亮, not without a certain change in their depths sometimes, which, if it was not softness, reminded you, at least, of that feeling. 有时在眼睛深处也并非没有某种变化,如果那不是柔情,至少也会使你想起这种感情来。 He had been looking two minutes at the fire, 他凝视着炉火已经有两分钟了, and I had been looking the same length of time at him, when, turning suddenly, he caught my gaze fastened on his physiognomy. 而我用同样的时间在打量着他。突然他回过头来,瞧见我正盯着他的脸看着。 "You examine me, Miss Eyre," said he: "Do you think me handsome?" "你在仔细看我,爱小姐,"他说,"你认为我长得漂亮吗?" I should, if I had deliberated, have replied to this question by something conventionally vague and polite, 要是我仔细考虑的话,我本应当对这个问题作出习惯上含糊、礼貌的回答, but the answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I was aware — "No, sir." 但不知怎地我还没意识到就己经冲口而出:"不,先生。" "Ah! By my word! There is something singular about you," he said: "啊!我敢打赌,你这人有点儿特别,"他说, "you have the air of a little nonnette; quaint, quiet, grave, and simple, as you sit with your hands before you, "你的神态像个小孩,怪僻、文静、严肃、单纯。你坐着的时候把手放在面前, and your eyes generally bent on the carpet (except, by-the-bye, when they are directed piercingly to my face; as just now, for instance) . 眼睛总是低垂着看地毯(顺便说一句,除了穿心透肺似地扫向我脸庞的时候,譬如像刚才那样)。 And when one asks you a question, or makes a remark to which you are obliged to reply, 别人问你一个问题,或者发表一番你必须回答的看法时, you rap out a round rejoinder, which, if not blunt, is at least brusque. 你会突然直言不讳地回答,不是生硬,就是唐突。 来源:可可英语