170327 经典文学《简·爱》第163期

170327 经典文学《简·爱》第163期

2017-03-27    01'44''

主播: Fred英语笔记

23592 974

主播微博: @孙梓晋的微博 微信公众号:英语听力123 People talk of natural sympathies. 人们爱谈天生的同情心。 I have heard of good genii. 我曾听说过好的神怪。 There are grains of truth in the wildest fable. My cherished preserver, good night! 在那个荒诞的寓言里包含着一丝真理。我所珍重的救命恩人。晚安。 Strange energy was in his voice, strange fire in his look. 在他的嗓音里有一种奇特的活力,在他的目光里有一种奇怪的火光。 “I am glad I happened to be awake,” I said, and then I was going. “我很高兴,刚巧醒着,”我说,随后我就走开了。 What! You will go? 什么,你要走了? I am cold, sir. 我觉得冷,先生。 Cold? Yes, and standing in a pool! Go, then, Jane, go! 冷?是的,而且站在水潭中呢!那么走吧,简! But he still retained my hand, and I could not free it. 不过他仍然握着我的手,我难以摆脱。 I bethought myself of an expedient. 于是我想出了一个权宜之计。 经典文学《简·爱》 “I think I hear Mrs. Fairfax move, sir,” said I. “我想我听见了费尔法克斯太太的走动声了,先生”我说。 “Well, leave me” he relaxed his fingers, and I was gone. “好吧,你走吧,”他放开手,我便走了。 I regained my couch, but never thought of sleep. 我又上了床。但睡意全无。 Till morning dawned I was tossed on a buoyant but unquiet sea, 我被抛掷到了具有浮力,却很不平静的海面上, where billows of trouble rolled under surges of joy. 烦恼的波涛在喜悦的巨浪下翻滚,如此一直到了天明。 I thought sometimes I saw beyond its wild waters a shore, sweet as the hills of Beulah. 有时我想,越过汹涌澎湃的水面,我看到了像比乌拉山那么甜蜜的海岸。 And now and then a freshening gale, wakened by hope, bore my spirit triumphantly towards the bourne, 时而有一阵被希望所唤起的清风,将我的灵魂得意洋洋地载向目的地, but I could not reach it, even in fancy 但即使在幻想之中,我也难以抵达那里, a counteracting breeze blew off land, and continually drove me back. 陆地上吹来了逆风,不断地把我刮回去。 Sense would resist delirium. 理智会抵制昏聩。 Judgment would warn passion. 判断能警策热情。 Too feverish to rest, I rose as soon as day dawned. 我兴奋得无法安睡,于是天一亮便起床了。 From: Kekenet.com