170817 经典文学《简·爱》 第200期

170817 经典文学《简·爱》 第200期

2017-08-17    01'25''

主播: Fred英语笔记

6323 200

No sooner did I see that his attention was riveted on them, 我一见他心思全在她们身上, and that I might gaze without being observed, than my eyes were drawn involuntarily to his face. 而我可以瞪着他而不被觉察,我的目光便不由自主地被吸引到了他的脸上。 I could not keep their lids under control. 我无法控制我的眼皮。 They would rise, and the irids would fix on him. 它们硬要张开,眼珠硬要盯着他。 I looked, and had an acute pleasure in looking, a precious yet poignant pleasure; pure gold, with a steely point of agony. 我瞧着,这给了我一种极度的欢乐,一种宝贵而辛辣的欢乐;是纯金,却又夹杂着痛苦的钢尖。 A pleasure like what the thirst-perishing man might feel who knows the well to which he has crept is poisoned, 像一个渴得快死的人所体会到的欢乐,明知道自己爬近的泉水已经下了毒, yet stoops and drinks divine draughts nevertheless. 却偏要俯身去喝那圣水。 Most true is it that "beauty is in the eye of the gazer." "情人眼里出美人,"说得千真万确。 My master's colourless, olive face, square, massive brow, broad and jetty eyebrows, deep eyes, strong features, firm, grim mouth, 我主人那没有血色、微榄色的脸、方方的大额角、宽阔乌黑的眉毛、深沉的眼睛、粗线条的五官、显得坚毅而严厉的嘴巴 all energy, decision, will, were not beautiful, according to rule, but they were more than beautiful to me; 一切都诱出活力、决断和意志--按常理并不漂亮,但对我来说远胜于漂亮。 they were full of an interest, an influence that quite mastered me, that took my feelings from my own power and fettered them in his. 它们充溢着一种情趣和影响力,足以左右我,使我的感情脱离我的控制,而受制于他。 I had not intended to love him. 我本无意去爱他。 The reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate from my soul the germs of love there detected. 读者知道,我努力从自己内心深处剪除露头的爱的萌芽。 And now, at the first renewed view of him, they spontaneously arrived, green and strong! 而此刻,一旦与他重新谋面,那萌芽又自动复活了,变得碧绿粗壮! He made me love him without looking at me. 他连看都不用看我就使我爱上了他。 acute [ə'kju:t] adj. 敏锐的,剧烈的 agony ['ægəni] n. 极度的痛苦,挣扎 nevertheless [.nevəðə'les] adv. 仍然,不过 conj. 然而,不过 precious ['preʃəs] adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的 poignant ['pɔinənt] adj. 悲伤的,痛切的,严厉的,尖锐的,剧烈的,浓烈的 spontaneously [spɔn'teiniəsli] adv. 自发地,自生地,自然产生地 massive ['mæsiv] adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的 divine [di'vain] adj. 神的,神圣的 vt. 推断 decision [di'siʒən] n. 决定,决策 intended [in'tendid] adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 source: kekenet.com