170929 经典文学《简·爱》 第214期

170929 经典文学《简·爱》 第214期

2017-09-29    01'30''

主播: Fred英语笔记

6070 72

微信公众号:英语听力123 I wondered what they were going to do the first evening a change of entertainment was proposed: 第一个晚上有人建议改变一下娱乐方式的时候,我心里纳闷他们会干什么。 they spoke of “playing charades,” but in my ignorance I did not understand the term. 他们说起要玩“字谜游戏”,但我一无所知,一时不明白这个名称。 The servants were called in, the dining-room tables wheeled away, 仆人们被叫了进来,餐桌给搬走了, the lights otherwise disposed, the chairs placed in a semicircle opposite the arch. 灯光己另作处理,椅子正对着拱门排成了半圆形。 While Mr. Rochester and the other gentlemen directed these alterations, 罗切斯特先生和其他男宾们指挥着作些变动时, the ladies were running up and down stairs ringing for their maids. 女士们在楼梯上跑上跑下,按铃使唤仆人。 Mrs. Fairfax was summoned to give information respecting the resources of the house in shawls, dresses, draperies of any kind. 费尔法克斯太太应召进房,报告各类披肩、服装和帐幔等家藏物资情况。 And certain wardrobes of the third storey were ransacked, and their contents, in the shape of brocaded and hooped petticoats, 三楼的有些大橱也来个兜底翻寻,里面的一应物件,如带裙环的织锦裙子、 satin sacques, black modes, lace lappets, c. , were brought down in armfuls by the abigails. 缎子宽身女裙、黑色丝织品、花边垂带等,都由使女们成包捧下楼来。 Then a selection was made, and such things as were chosen were carried to the boudoir within the drawing-room. 经过挑选,又把选中的东西送进客厅内的小厅里。 Meantime, Mr. Rochester had again summoned the ladies round him, and was selecting certain of their number to be of his party. 与此同时,罗切斯特先生把女士们再次叫到他周围,选中了几位加入他一组。 “Miss Ingram is mine, of course,” said he. “当然英格拉姆小姐是属于我的,”他说。 Afterwards he named the two Misses Eshton, and Mrs. Dent. 随后他又点了两位埃希顿小姐和登特夫人的名。 He looked at me. I happened to be near him, as I had been fastening the clasp of Mrs. Dent's bracelet, which had got loose. 他瞧了瞧我。我恰巧在他身边,替登特太太把松开的手镯扣好。 “Will you play?” he asked. “你来玩吗?”他问。 I shook my head. 我摇了摇头。 He did not insist, which I rather feared he would have done. 他没有坚持,我真怕他会呢。 He allowed me to return quietly to my usual seat. 他允许我安静地回到平时的座位上去。 He and his aids now withdrew behind the curtain. 他和搭档们退到了帐幔后头。 entertainment [.entə'teinmənt] n. 娱乐 arch [ɑ:tʃ] n. 拱,拱门,拱状物 v. 成拱形,拱起 clasp [klɑ:sp] n. 扣子,钩,紧握 v. 扣紧,紧握,密切合 lace [leis] n. 饰带,花边,缎带 v. 结带子,饰以花边 ignorance ['ignərəns] n. 无知 disposed [di'spəuzd] adj. 愿意的,想干的,有 ... 倾向的 dent [dent] n. 凹痕,心理阴影,挫伤 vt. 弄凹 vi. 形成凹 bracelet ['breislit] n. 手镯 curtain ['kə:tən] n. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布) source: kekenet.com