

2015-11-28    13'37''

主播: 蔓惪拉瑜伽

2156 27

丹.吉布森(Dan.Gibson)  Dan Gibson生长在尼加拉瀑布附近的一个农庄里,十岁时已经萌生对环境观察与艺术的兴趣,当时他用柯达布朗宁相机拍下邻人的房子,并且出售给屋主。 对户外景致的热爱,更让他渴望对大自然进一步深入探索。  5、60年代,可说是户外影片制作的萌芽期,虽有画面,但缺乏背景声音的资料搜集,为了克服这个困难,Dan Gibson不断钻研相关知识,破天荒地制作出声音、影像同步的户外影片!  毕生以摄录大自然影像与声音为职志的Dan Gibson,在1994年,也就是他72岁那年,获得加拿大最杰出公民的殊荣。  敬业的Dan因为长期穿梭于丛林与荒野中而导致膝盖病变,他拄着拐杖与加拿大总理握手的那一幕,更显得格外感人。  丹.吉布森对艺术的敏锐度、对自然的热忱、以及他筚路蓝缕的精神,不只彩绘了Dan的生命,也造就了Solitudes的成功。  Dan Gibson (Montreal, January 19, 1922 – March 18, 2006) was a Canadian photographer, cinematographer and sound recordist. During the late 1940s, he took photographs and made nature films, including Audubon Wildlife Theatre. He produced many films and television series. It was through this film-making that Dan learned how to record wildlife sound. He pioneered techniques of recording, and also helped design equipment to optimize results, including the “Dan Gibson Parabolic Microphone”. Some of his early recordings of the 1950s and 1960s were released on LP records, and started his Solitudes series, which was introduced in 1981. Dan is well regarded for his contributions to the Friends of Algonquin Park, and his ongoing support for the Algonquin Park Residents Association. Having a lease of land in Algonquin Park gave Dan and his family (Wife: Helen, Children: Mary-Jane or "Kirkie," Holly, Dan, and Gordon) a unique opportunity to connect with nature, and it certainly fueled his passion for the study, preservation and interaction with wildlife. In 1994, Dan was awarded The Order of Canada for his environmental works. In 1997, Dan was awarded the Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award at the Juno Awards ceremony in Hamilton, Ontario. In 2004, he released his first DVD, Natural Beauty, which was originally shot in High Definition. Dan's son Gordon with his partner and longtime friend Andy Burgess assumed control of the business, and run the label through their now publicly traded entity [Somerset Entertainment].
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