哈他瑜伽@Paul Brundtland

哈他瑜伽@Paul Brundtland

2018-11-17    60'00''

主播: 蔓惪拉瑜伽

550 5

专辑: Yoga Music 语种:英语 发行时间:2015-03-21 唱片公司: Digital Media,Ltd 类型:录音室专辑 流派: New Age新世纪 This project was truly a labor of love. I spent 6 mon ths, several hours per day honing the rhythms, dyn amics and sounds to create this companion to min d-body training. The 2 years preceding the product ion of the CD were intense times of development or me: I fully recovered from years of crippling bac k pain, completed 420 hours of yoga teacher train ng and fulfilled my dream of doing intensive study i n traditional Cuban percussion in Santiago de Cub a One day around dusk, I Was sitting, practicing on t he balcony in Santiago de Cuba. I had been there f or a few hours, working intensely on one particular conga rhythm. I had played that rhythm so many ti mes that day that there was nothing more than its sounds and its pulse in my mind. Just then I thoug ht back to my yoga training and realized that with his rhythm, I had attained a state of meditation that had alluded me when I meditated silently in sitting position. Because of the all-consuming impact the vibrations had on me and the synchronization of m y breathing with the rhythm, there was no space fo r anything else in my mind. After making this viscer al connection between my two practices, I started t o sing a mantra over the rhythm and the idea for Y oga Music Was born Although I performed most of the vocals and instru ments on this recording, I also got some crucial hel p from my friends John Tegner on flute, Hikaru Tan aka on vocals and Jin Oki on Spanish guitar. Each of them really entered into the mood of the record ng and gave outstanding performances Since releasing it, many have told me it is both effe ctive as backaround music for Yoga and massage as well as music for deep relaxation With headphon es I hope you get as much joy and peace from listenin g to it as I did from making All the Best