专辑: Yoga Nidra
唱片公司: Digital Media,Ltd
类型: Single
流派: New Age新世纪
I'm probably best known for helping medical stude
nts and faculty members (at Brown University )culti
vate and integrate their intuition with their practice
Since 1983 have done thousands of intuitive medi
cal readings, taught numerous classes on intuition
both on land, water, and with dolphins, written thre
e books and a novel, and created a series of CD'S
designed to help the listener relax, image, heal the
mselves and create
By far the most exciting project I have worked on in
many years is a healing meditation called Tallys L
ullaby. This meditation was created to aid in the he
aling process of the students and faculty at Virginia
T ech and the Mental Health workers and support t
eams. It is available to anyone Who wants a little he
aling energy.or simple relaxation. All creative con
tent for this project has been donated free of charg
e National Media Services donated its production
It is our desire that this meditation help penetrate t
he darkness of one event With a Light of wisdom a
nd knowledge
Track 1: (12. 42)meditation and music (inter/Garr
Track 2: (19.39)meditation and music (Winter/Garr
Track 3: (6. 38)Tallys Lullaby(Garrett/Friesen)
TALLYS LULLABY from the audio CD ts About th
om). Composer/piano -Karen Marie Garrett (ww
w. kgpiano com), composer/cello- Eugene Friesen
Meditation composed and narrated by Winter Robi
Engineer: Michael Robinson, Paradachs Studio, B
ar Mills, Maine
Graphics/duplication: by National Media Services,
613 Commerce Ave, Front Royal, Va. 22630 (Ww
W. nationalmediaservices. com)
You can download your free copy of Tallys Lullaby