印度瑜伽唱诵/Bhimsen Joshi④

印度瑜伽唱诵/Bhimsen Joshi④

2019-02-04    49'38''

主播: 蔓惪拉瑜伽

550 11

KRISHNA- VOL 1 BHIMSEN JOSHI ASHWINI BHIDE 专辑: Bhaktimala- Krishna Vol.1 语种:印度语 发行时间:1994-09-02 类型:录音室专辑 流派: Easy Listening轻音乐 T his recording is part of a series of bhajans in hon or of the various deities. in various classical and se mi-classical veins and featuring singers that range from the pre-eminent to the up-and-coming. The d evotions to Krishna feature Pandit Jasrai and Ram