岁月留声(3)美国经典民谣 < 情人渡 > 年华似水,爱永恒!

岁月留声(3)美国经典民谣 < 情人渡 > 年华似水,爱永恒!

2018-10-30    18'23''

主播: 網通旅行音乐電台

2735 51

如果听友需要本期节目的MP3音频文档,用于制作自己的节目或背景音乐,加: aubest168 获取。 《Shenandoah-情人渡》这首歌十九世纪初起源于密西西比河和密苏里河流域之间,歌曲讲述了一位富有年轻英俊的商人爱上了印第安族长Shenandoah的女儿。歌曲深受水手们喜爱,于是随着他们的航程相传,十九世纪四十年代前,第一次在美国广为流传。Shenandoah现是一条小河的名称,全长40英里,在美国滨州和乔治亚州的阿帕拉契山脉间。因为Shenandoah太有名,整个区域的国家公园也是以“Shenandoah”命名。 感谢你的收听, 期待你对本期节目的评论留言,关注本频道一起分享音乐的魅力. 【澳洲网通旅行音乐频道】 澳洲旅游, 选择网通旅行, 就是选择品质! 《点上面的绿色logo,查看我们的联系方式和预订澳洲旅行服务》 Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you Look away, you rollin&`& river Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you Look away, we&`&re bound away Across the wide Missouri. Now the Missouri is a mighty river Look away, you rollin&`& river Indians camp along her border Look away, we&`&re bound away Across the wide Missouri. Well, a white man loved an Indian maiden Look away, you rollin&`& river With notions his canoe was laden Look away, we&`&re bound away Across the wide Missouri. Shenandoah, I love your daughter Look away, you rollin&`& river It was for her I&`&d cross the water Look away, we&`&re bound away Across the wide Missouri. For seven years I courted Sally Look away, you rollin&`& river Seven more years I longed to have her Look away, we&`&re bound away Across the wide Missouri. Well, it&`&s fare-thee-well, my dear, I&`&m bound to leave you Look away, you rollin&`& river Shenandoah, I will not deceive you Look away, we&`&re bound away Across the wide Missouri.