「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L7 为时太晚

「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L7 为时太晚

2015-05-21    14'42''

主播: 良凌罗

731 35

★ 你听到的是音频 荔枝限制配文字数很坠叶 高清视频和完整字幕在 一款神秘美丽的APP中。 它叫「英语魔方秀」 新浪微博 @英语魔方秀APP @良凌罗 ☆ 语音文稿 (部分)1 The plane was late.飞机误点了。2 was late3 The plane was late.飞机误点了。4 I&`&m sorry I was late.对不起,我来晚了。from 《壮志凌云》5 You’re late.你迟到了。6 By six minutes. I&`&m sorry. The bus was late.六分钟。我很抱歉。公车晚点。7 Why doesn&`&t your damn husband buy you a car already?为什么你男人不给你买辆车?from《女招待》8 The first time he was early.第一次,他来早了。9 The second time he was late.第二次,他来晚了。from 《大鱼》10 I mean, my dad was late to my graduation because his helicopter needed to refuel.我毕业典礼时,我爸也迟到了。因为他的直升飞机要加油。from《破产姐妹 S03E24》11 Can l please try it again?我能再试一次吗?12 That wont be necessary.没这个必要了。13 lm sorry l was late. l really am.很抱歉我来晚了,真的很抱歉。14 l had to…我必须。。。15 l have to wash my hands a certain number of times.我得多洗几次手。from《菲比梦游奇境》16 Sorry I was late again. 抱歉,今天又晚了。17 All right? I&`&m off the hook?我可以走了?18 Good. Thank you.好,谢谢。from《忠犬八公》19 Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.侦探们在机场等了整整一上午。20 waiting at the airport21 Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.侦探们在机场等了整整一上午。22 I’II be waiting at the hotel. 我会在宾馆等你。from《美国往事》23 I&`&ll be waiting at the top of the Empire state building我会在帝国大厦的顶层等你。from 《绯闻女孩 S03E21》24 Verone told us that he himself would be waiting at the drop.V告诉我们说他会亲自在终点等我们。from《速度与激情2》25 It&`&s all waiting at the click of a button.只需要你手指一点这个按钮。from《实习大叔》26 Excuse me. Is there a woman waiting at the bar?不好意思,有没有女人在吧台那等人呢?from《老友记 S09E14》27 And a jet waiting at the airport!。。。from《 S10E05》28 And we&`&ll be waiting at the train station.我们在火车站碰头。29 Got it.明白。from《陨落星辰 S01E01》30 Hello.哈喽。31 I&`&ve been waiting at the back door... I knocked, but no-one came.我一直在后门等,敲门,但没人应。32 So you pushed in?你就推门进来了?from《唐顿庄园 S01E01》33 They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.他们正期待从南非来的一个装着钻石的贵重包裹。34 valuable35 parcel of diamonds36 diamonds37 South Africa38 They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.他们正期待从南非来的一个装着钻石的贵重包裹。39 有没有同声传译的赶脚?考研听力的时候到了,请把你听到的写在讲解里。from《风中奇缘》40 It&`&s a valuable future.那绝对是有价值的前途。from《闻香识女人》41 I&`&m going to collect the valuables!我来收集大家值钱的东西!from《盲流感》42 And whatever this key unlocks, inside there&`&s something valuable. 不管这钥匙开的是什么锁,里面一定有值钱的东西。from《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》43 And my time is both limited and valuable. 而且我的时间很有限,很宝贵。from《生活大爆炸 S03E10》44 You need to convince them you have a trade, something valuable to the war effort. 你需要让他们相信,你具备对军备有用的技能。45 I&`&m a musician.我是个乐师。from《辛德勒名单》46 Tell him this rock is more valuable to me than his life.告诉他,这个石头在我看来比他的命更值钱。from《金刚狼》47 Why can&`&t I drink it, sir?可是教授,为什么不让我喝?48 Because I am much older, much cleverer, and much less valuable. 因为我比你老,比你聪明,而你比我珍贵太多。from《哈利·波特与混血王子》49 Thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson. 谢谢你给我上了宝贵的一课。from《老友记 S03E07》50 It&`&s not valuable. You can&`&t sell it anywhere. 这玩意不值钱,你也卖不出去。51 I can&`&t even sell it, and it&`&s my job. All right? 我是干这个的都卖不掉,好吗? from《当幸福来敲门》52 Dr. Yueh has been very valuable to us.Y博士对我们很有价值。from《沙丘》53 Kathryn, l need you to get a Cartier bracelet to send to Missy.凯萨林, 帮我买卡地亚手链送给蜜西。54 Something expensive, a lot of diamonds, very flashy. lnclude a personal note from me.贵的,有很多钻石的,非常华贵的。里面写着我的字条。from《谁来陪我过圣诞》55 I&`&m very fond of diamonds我爱钻石。from《唐顿庄园 S03E07》