「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L8 最好的和最差的

「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L8 最好的和最差的

2015-06-08    18'12''

主播: 良凌罗

802 34

★ 「我的制作初衷」 1 表忽视新概念2册的口语效能; 2 我用海量超高清影视片段来支持+涂亮每一课的重点发音及连读词句; 3 助各山头英语老湿, 更轻松备课, 更开明授课; 4 往死模仿 → 听得懂 → 想得开 → skill 加成 「高清视频及完整字幕」 @英语魔方秀APP 新浪微博 @英语魔方秀 @良凌罗 ☆ 语音文稿 (部分) 1 Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. JS拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园。 2 in our town 3 Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. JS拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园。 4 Did you guys hear that? $100,000 for a picture of Britney. And she&`&s at a hotel in our town! 你们听见了吗? 一张烂泥的照片值10万刀。 她现在就在我们镇上的宾馆里。 from South Park S12E02 5 At that time, don&`&t forget, there were riots on the streets, every week, petrol bombs every day and that was just in our town. 别忘了, 那时候街道上每周有暴乱, 我们的镇子里天天都有汽油爆炸。 from Five Minutes of Heaven 6 I&`&ve always wondered if Mom and Dad were disappointed that I didn&`&t turn out more like them. I tried to. I mean, Mom and I went to all of Dad&`&s shows. Dad&`&s band was called Nasty Bruises. Embarrassing, I know. They were what you might call "big" in our town. And for a while, everyone thought they might get bigger. 我总是在想我爹我妈会不会因为我没有像他俩那么成功而对我失望。 但我努力的过。我和妈妈, 之前去看了所有老爸的演出。 老爸以前的乐队叫“豪放淤青”。我知道, 这名字有点der。 这规模在我们镇上已经很大了。 from If I Stay 7 You wanna see a picture? That&`&s your mom and me in Our Town. 你想看看照片吗? 是你妈和我在“我们的小镇”。 from Rumor Has It… 8 The firemen in our town have a reputation for being hot. 我们镇上的消防员出了名的SEXY。 from Modern Family E01E11 9 For the last three days, the highest-ranking official in our town has been a dead guy. Oh! Look at that! 过去的3天里, 我们镇上最高权力的人, 变成了死人。 艾玛! 快看! from A Million Ways to Die in the West 10 Nearly everybody enters for “The Nicest Garden Competition” each year. 几乎每个人都参加每年举办的“最佳花园竞赛”。 11 competition 12 Nearly everybody enters for “The Nicest Garden Competition” each year. 几乎每个人都参加每年举办的“最佳花园竞赛”。 13 There&`&s never been a competition like this before. 这次比赛是史无前例的。 from Cars 2 14 Then listen up, &`&cause he may wind up being your main competition. His name is Soot. Lazlo Soot. 听着, 他可能是你们主要竞争对手。 他叫ST, LST。 from Smokin&`& Aces 15 She&`&s just sizing up the competition, that&`&s all. 她就想掂量下竞争对手。 from Chuck S05E03 16 She was jealous of me. Yes, there&`&d always been a little bit of a competition between us. 她在嫉妒我。 好吧, 我们之间一直存在竞争。 from Modern Family S01E14 17 I don&`&t think your casino can stand that sort of competition. 我觉得你的赌场承受不住那么激烈的竞争。 from House of Cards S02E08 18 And we can&`&t look at the competition and say we&`&re gonna do it better. We have to look at the competition and say we&`&re gonna do it differently. 我们不能是仅仅盯住竞争对手, 我们要比竞争对手做的更好。 我们得盯住竞争对手, 同时要做到与众不同。 from Jobs 19 It&`&s an unlicensed boxing match. It&`&s not a tickling competition. 这是地下拳赛, 可不是闹着玩的。 from Snatch 20 —I don&`&t know. The way the company is burning money… —Well, we&`&ve got to get a leg up on the competition. 我不想知道, 你们公司正在烧钱… 我们要在竞争中占据主动。 from Extraordinary Measures 21 —I like the competition. You like competition, too? Makes things kind of fun, doesn&`&t it? —I’m enjoying myself so far. —I got a little surprise for you tomorrow. 我喜欢那场竞赛, 你不也是? 很过瘾不是么? 到目前为止, 我还挺开心。 明天将有一个属于你的惊喜。 from My Cousin Vinny 22 We&`&re taking down our competition 我们来搞定我们的对手。 from Chuck S05E03 23 —I care because she is my competition, and she has poached three of my clients! —So she&`&s good? 我在乎因为她是我的竞争对手, 已经挖走了我的三个顾客! 那她很厉害啰~ from The Good Wife S03E15 。。。。