Crystal English | Did You Lose Your Hair Today?

Crystal English | Did You Lose Your Hair Today?

2018-10-27    17'32''

主播: 中国地质大学广播台

780 7

"What is more frightening than the post-90s are already old?" "The post-90s have been bald." In recent years, hair loss seems to touch the sensitive nerves of young groups, in addition to the "post-90s middle-aged hair loss" and other hot topics, look at the micro-blog, many people's New Year's wish is "to get rid of poverty without hair loss". What is really terrible is not emotional anxiety, it's when you realize the problem, pretend to be "very healthy" with a perfunctory regimen, or create an illusion of "I'm working hard" with a brief period of enthusiasm. So what are the reasons of young people losing their hair? What can young alopecia do in the face of hair loss? This Friday, let's explore the mystery of youth hair loss together. Sincerely hope all of us can have a thick hair. Editor: Zoe Announcer: Aaron