Have you ever seen film Forrest Gump which tells a story of a man born with lower IQ and muscle problem? Generally speaking, unfortunate as he is, he will never be thought of succeeding in doing anything. However, Forrest Gump instead achieved a lot of incredible success by doing nothing special but following his heart to fulfill his dream. Some say that he was born with a stronger heart which helps him go through the barriers, the other claim that he can never make it without following his heart. Both of these two voices seem to make sense itself, but which one will you stand?
May be the answer of this question doesn’t matter so much. Nevertheless, what matters most is the fact that we need to know: No matter how unfortunate you are from the beginning, you are born with a powerful heart which can be used to build your life by following and taking care of it. And if you try your best to do so, you can also be a miracle just like Forrest Gump.