【艾玛唱童谣】Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

【艾玛唱童谣】Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

2017-03-03    09'16''

主播: 艾玛读绘本-艾玛老师

36973 584

Here we go 'round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush, So early in the morning. This is the way we brush our teeth, Brush our teeth, brush our teeth. This is the way we brush our teeth, So early Monday morning. This is the way we wash our hands, Wash our hands, wash our hands. This is the way we wash our hands, So early Monday morning. This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair, comb our hair. This is the way we comb our hair, So early Monday morning. This is the way we clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands. This is the way we clap our hands, So early Monday morning. This is the way we jump about, jump about, jump about. This is the way we jump about, So early Monday morning. 欢迎访问艾玛老师的进口正版英文童书馆:emma.baobaobooks.com 廖彩杏童谣洞洞书正在团购中。也可加艾玛老师微信:emmabook3,看看生活中的艾玛是如何与孩子快乐坚持亲子阅读。