【艾玛读绘本】兰登1-Sunshine, Moonshine

【艾玛读绘本】兰登1-Sunshine, Moonshine

2017-03-05    03'55''

主播: 艾玛读绘本-艾玛老师

24885 480

Sun Shines on the mountains. Sun Shines on the sea. Sun Shines on my pillow, and says wake up to me. Sun Shines on a seashell. Sun Shines on a rock. Sun Shines on a crab, and on a gull, and on the dock. Sun Shines on the lighthouse. Sun Shines on a sail. Sun Shines as it sinks into the ocean like a whale. Moon shines as it rises. Moon shines as I yawn. Moon shines as I try to catch the fireflies on the lawn. Moon shines on the houses. Moon shines on the cars. Moon shines like a night-light up among the stars. Moon shines on the mountains. Moon shines on the sea. Moon shines on my pillow, and says good night to me. 欢迎访问艾玛老师的进口正版英文童书馆:emma.baobaobooks.com 也可加艾玛老师微信:emmabook3,看看生活中的艾玛是如何与孩子快乐坚持亲子阅读。