49期: curumin, momus, david byrne

49期: curumin, momus, david byrne

2015-05-06    67'34''

主播: he_song

35 5

1。巴奈 - Talaluki 巴奈《停在那片蓝》 2。 lothar ohlmeier & isambard khroustaliov - scratch (edit) v.a《the wire tapper 20》 3。curumin - tudo bem malandro curumin《achados e perdidos》 4。 moha! - too smart enought to think v.a《the wire tapper 20》 5。momus - mc escher momus《little red songbook》 6。random touch - tripping so fancy v.a《the wire tapper 20》 7。rosemary clooney - every time we say goodbye rosemary clooney《for the duration》 8。daniel padden - spiders on ice daniel padden《the one ensemble of daniel padden》 9。orso - warm up v.a《the wire tapper 20》 10。red house painters - japanese to english red house painters《down colorful hill》 11。 crackle - heavy water v.a《the wire tapper 20》 12。rosemary clooney & duke ellington - i'm checking out-goombye rosemary clooney & duke ellington《blue rose》 13。micronormous - rainland v.a《the wire tapper 20》 14。gerard manset - fauvette gerard manset《obok》 15。david byrne & brain eno - strange overtones david byrne & brain eno《everything that happens will happen today》 16。dan deacon - big milk dan deacon《spiderman of the rings》 17。mercury rev - a squirrel and i (holding on... and then letting go) mercury rev《snowflake midnight》