105期: kazumi watanabe,prefuse 73,boxcutter

105期: kazumi watanabe,prefuse 73,boxcutter

2015-05-07    75'30''

主播: he_song

74 10

曲目: 1。blue sky black death - days are years blue sky black death《a heap of broken images》 2。paul simon - getting ready for christmas day paul simon《so beautiful or so what》 3。prefuse 73 - the only valentines day failure prefuse 73《the only she chapters》 4。boxcutter - zabriskie disco boxcutter《the dissolve》 5。kazumi watanabe - please don't bundle me kazumi watanabe《dogatana》 6。deerhunter - earthquake deerhunter《halcyon digest》 7。atticus ross - in motion atticus ross《the social network ost》 8。macaw - five minutes at the rainforest cafe v.a《the wire tapper 24》 9。tim booth - consequences tim booth《love life》 10。gang gang dance - adult goth gang gang dance《eye contact》 11。k-branding - driller v.a《the wire tapper 25》 12。death cab for cutie - you are a tourist death cab for cutie《codes and keys》 13。marissa nadler - the hole is wide marissa nadler《little hells》 14。kazumi watanabe - cokumo island kazumi watanabe《to chi ka》 15。tune yards - riotriot tune yards《whokill》